- Goodbye-Hello -

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The yellow liquid sat cooly in the glass before her, condensation beading the outside

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The yellow liquid sat cooly in the glass before her, condensation beading the outside. Samantha twirled the straw in the lemonade while staring at her phone. The sound of the door opening had her lifting her head once again for the millionth time the pass fifteen minutes. Still she sat in the lobby by a small table waiting.

He should have been here by now. The happy, chattering crowds had long since flowed into the theatre and the lobby area was now deserted and quiet except for the few workers lingering around. Fifteen minutes had already gone out of the movie.

Doubt suddenly shoots through her like a piercing arrow destroying resistance. Doubt that her boyfriend would still show up. Doubt that her relationship wasn't falling apart. Doubt if it was all still worth it.

This was the third night in one week that Samantha found herself being stood up by her boyfriend of four years.

"Sorry babe my classes ran late."

"Sorry babe I picked up an extra shift at work and it was too busy for me to call and cancel our plans."

Those had been the flimsy excuses he gave her but she accepted them telling herself not to create a mountain out of a molehill.

Her phone beeped and she reached for it with a sinking heart knowing it was him. She swiped across the screen and read the text.

"Can't make it, have fun though..."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, he hadn't even bother with an apology this time. She hit the call button and listened to the phone ring twice before going right to voicemail. Angry tears pricked her eyes as she stood up and gathered her things so she could leave.

A couple from the ticket line ordering tickets for the same movie she was suppose to see caught her attention.

"Here." she said handing them the two tickets. They looked at her with raised eyebrows then looked down at the tickets she was offering.

"You guys can have them, I won't be needing them anymore." her voice cracked and the girl sent her a sympathetic smile then said thank you as she took the tickets.

Samantha headed for the parking lot and climbed into her car. Her eyes immediately drip with tears. Her walls, the walls that holds her up, make her strong just... collapse. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty drops fall from her chin, drenching her shirt. Perhaps these tears will help wash the hurt she was finally allowing herself to feel.

She's trembling. She can't-can't stop. Even as she tried to put the key in the ignition her hand shakes, it trembles. It's raw, everything, raw tears, raw emotions. She just can't stop... She can't stop. Why can I not stop crying?

Her soft crying was accompanied by the music flowing from the radio. All she wanted to do was get home, climb in bed and fall asleep to forget the pain.

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