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Disclaimer: Undertale and Percy Jackson are not mine. They belong to Toby Fox and Rick Riordan respectively.

10 years later

Annabeth Chase, goddess of battle strategy and architecture, was sitting at a meeting that involved all of the minor and major gods for some reason, as well as the demigods.

"It has come to our attention," Zeus boomed, "That my son, Apollo, has personally given a prophecy that could lead to the fall of Olympus."

Multiple gasps could be heard.

"The prophecy goes as such," proclaimed Apollo,

The joints of Olympus creak with age

And it shall fall to the power of thunder

The lightning shall the split the mountain in rage

Unless monster dust plundered

But the wrath of the judge you must beware

or be caught and killed by his terrible snare

"What we need to avoid this destruction," Zeus continued, "is something called monster dust. That can only be found in one place - the Underground. It is a place full of monsters, situated under Mount Ebott, and someone can only leave with a human and monster soul together. Who would like to volunteer to go on the quest?"

"ME!" yelled Annabeth.

"Annabeth Chase," Zeus said, "It is brave of you. Be cautious, the Underground bears similarity to Alaska. It will strip you of your immortality,"

"WHAT?" Annabeth yelled.

"Though only temporarily," Zeus said, clearing his throat, "In return, though, it gives you slight control over my father's realm, the realm of time. When you die, you go back in time to when you last interacted with something known as a save point. It is a yellow star, shining bright with hope and determination."

"I see," Annabeth muttered

"Be especially careful of this judge, who will undoubtedly try to kill you," Athena warned.

"I understand," Annabeth replied curtly.

"Then go, my daughter. Make me prouder than  ever before!" Athena commanded

There was a bright flash of light and Annabeth found herself on a mountain with a hole in front of her. Without hesitation, the goddess jumped into the hole, bracing for impact.

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