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I grunt as the whip makes contact with my skin. I can feel my skin spilt in two opposite directions, no doctor's will come to my aid.
The second strike contained some kind of liquid that made me arch my back only causing more pain to my shoulders.
The room smells darkly of my blood, that and other scents of the dead. "Come on Darian, this is extra." One of Darian's brothers said, he has always been fond of me, not in a sensual way, but a protective way. But he still punishes me when the time deemed fit.

"She didn't follow an officer command, that's going against her rules, and it could get us caught" Darian says causing me to close my eyes to prevent him seeing me roll my eyes.

The third slash had to be the worst, I screamed out in agony only causing Darian to bring in one of his friends to slice my skin. "Quiet!" He had yelled at me. My body involuntarily shakes at his voice, fear, that is all I am allowed to fear.
With the fourth slash I started becoming emotionally numb; these are the moments I appreciate most. "You know, people are wondering about where you've gone, more like, why are you so quiet. Only one teacher cared enough, he is fired," Darian taunts me. I just open my eyes and look at his shoes. "I've just told him you've been dealing with stuff and didn't want attention, too bad," He says using fake sadness. I nod respectfully at his words knowing if I didn't, burns would come next.

I'm left in a puddle of my own blood when I awaken from my rest. A man is standing over me, I've never seen him before. He isnt one of Darian's friends. The man looks at me with pure lust in his eyes. Even in this dark room, anybody could see it. He flips me over onto my back causing a pained groan to come from me. The man begins unbuttoning his pants and I start hyperventilating. "You and me are gonna have some fun dear, " He says lowly. I raise my hand to slap him but end up missing his face. "SIR!" I scream in fear, even he wouldn't dare rape me. Nobody deserves to get their innocence taken from them, a dark, evil, menacing man like Darian, wouldn't do that. He thought that was a true crime and promised me he wouldn't do that, he will do everything else besides any kind of sexual activity. And that, I respect him for.

The man rips my pants off leaving me in a ripped shirt and underwear. "DARIAN!!!" I finally gain the strength to scream loud enough for him to possibly hear me. I don't show such weakness in my voice, he should know something is wrong.

Darian bursts through my door and a fire ignites in his eyes that gives me a foreign feeling, hope. "You, get off her now," Darian demans in a low voice. The man steps off me lazily.

"What kind of man would stoop as low as to rape a young female, or any female at that?!" Darian yells stomping toward the man, he's very angry, I feel no remorse for this man. In fact, a smile almost takes place on my face.

"I dont see a problem," The man says sending fury to Darian. "RAPE IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE!" Darian screams as his eyes change to pitch black. My breath hitches, the one time I saw his eyes do that, twenty men were killed in an instant. I look up at the man who tried to rape me and he isn't fazed.

"You sure have some balls Mr, why would you disrespect the man in front of you?" I question sternly attempting to stand to for Darian, I may feel a strong dislike to him, but there is respect still there.

Darian looks at me and nods appreciatively. "It's time you leave, your lifespan just decreased severely." Darian said. The man casually walked out and Darian ran to my side. "He didn't do anything did he?" Darian asked seeming worried. "No sir, thank you for coming so quickly and defending me, I apologize for using your name," I apologize but look up at him with thankful eyes. "No need for apologies dear, rape will never be tolerated. Good job for calling my name, you earned yourself a day off with extra water," he says slowly looking me over quickly for injuries. "Thank you sir, I am highly appreciative," I say surprised. "You've earned it for calling my name in time, good job," He says before leaving the room. I close my eyes and tears escape, not fearful ones, thankful.

The one time a man made me touch his penis Darian caught him, I couldn't scream due to duck tape being placed on my mouth, but the man was tortured. I even got to help, Darian actually apologized to me and supplied me more water, food, and a blanket.

The next morning Darian came to my room drunk, but he didn't lay a hand on me. He gave me a water bottle filled with a blue substance. "It's Gatorade, you need the fluids and think of it as an apology for that man even getting near you." Darisn says seeming to read my mind but with anger lacing his voice. For once, it wasn't directed at me. I smile and nod at him, for, I was not given permission to speak. "You will be free of punishment for two days but start your usual routine tomorrow," Darian says lightly squeezing my arm on a space that doesn't have a bruise. Darian exits the room struggling to keep his balance before exiting and closing the door not forgetting to lock it. Thank the gods I have a bathroom. It does not contain a shower nor a sink, it has a toilet that doesn't have water. That is for when I'm locked in my room for days.

A/N I finished this at 12:30 at night, I'm tired but cant sleep, so I decided to write. But this is on my phone and very difficult. Thank you for even reading this, it should get better but I'm not sure honestly😂 And who, sleepiness is catching up with me, I haven't slept in 3 days! But, this isn't edited, after I finish the book it will go under severe editing.

Love you babes, have a nice day and feel free to talk to me if needed.


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