Chapter- 1

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I've been driving for three days now, only stopping for gas.

Finally, I got away from Darian and hopefully safety is soon to come. I've decided to move from Brooklyn and go somewhere far away. Right now, that location is undecided. My stomach has been aching for food for the past three days and I dont think I have been followed. Maybe he'll leave me alone?

I pull up at a small diner-like restaurant. No other cars seem to be parked anywhere nearby and looking through the windows of Gary's Diner, only staff seem to be in there. I slowly get out of a truck I stole, the person didn't need it anyway, and use just enough force to make sure the door shut.
Pulling my jacket closer to my body against the strong winds outside, I find it difficult to see in the dark. The only thing directing my way to the diner is the diner's flickering blue and yellow lights, I smile at how old this place may be.
Making it to the doors I carefully open the them and make my way in. Immediately I'm greeted by a beautiful woman, she has brown hair and vibrant green eyes. Freckles surround her nose and she has perfectly tan clear skin.
Her name tag says 'Darcy' darn, beautiful face, terrible name.

"Hey hun, would you like me to direct you to a booth?" She asks me nicely, though, I see her quickly scan my body. Probably noticing my injuries. I smile at her politely and nod my head. "Follow me sweetie," Darcy says walking me to the far end of the diner, I'm seated right at perfect view of the huge window.

"Welcome to Gary's Diner, what can I get you?" Darcy asks as if introducing herself a second time. I crack a smile at her. "I'll have a BLT if that's alright?" I ask hesitantly. "Sure thing, I'm going to go ahead and get you some orange juice and water also," She says quietly. "Thank you madam," I say seriously grateful of her actions. "It'll only be a few minutes," Darcy says before going back to the kitchen. I decide to rest my head on my hand and look out the window seeing mostly black. Droplets of water begin to coat the window fully and I smile makes its way to my face, I've always loved rain.

The bells above the doors ring signaling that someone else came in, my eyes immediately dart toward the door as I pray it isnt Darian. I subconsciously slide down in my seat in attempt to make myself smaller.

Two big men come in, both having jet black hair and a brownish-gold color for eyes. My breath hitches silently but my body isn't as tense as before. Darcy is at my side within a blink of the eye as she glares at the two boys. "Davis, Haretly, why are you here?" She asks with a smile on her face but I hear the anger behind those calm words.

"Cant we just order from our favorite diner Darcy babe?" The one with a leather jacket asks sarcastically. "Sit down, you have twenty minutes before I kick you out," She demand angrily before putting my food and two drinks in front of me. The boys roll their eyes and go to sit down.

"Hope you enjoy your flight to Miami dear, I heard it's beautiful," Darcy says looking at me. The look that girls give each other before telling a lie. She nods to my food then to the door, "Oh we dont want you late dear! Come on, get out of here and call me when you land, alright?" Darcy asks casually. From the corner of my eye the men are staring at me. I turn and look Darcy in the eyes, "It was really nice seeing an old friend, I'll call you." I say just as casual. I grab the Togo box of my food and two drinks, "Thanks again," Darcy says with a wave. I nod at her and quickly exit the diner.

Goosebumps now cover my arms and the back of my neck. Something was off at the diner, Darcy was angry when those men walked in. Jogging to my truck, I lightly open the door with everything else in one hand, that's when I realized, I never paid her. Once the door is open I climb in slowly and sit the two drinks and box down in the passenger seat. My jacket is a little wet but nothing too bad.

I turn the key and bring this truck to life, turning to to look at my food I notice a napkin with writing on it. Picking up the napkin, it struggled to read it while it's this dark.

Those men are bad news, get out of this town quickly. Sorry to rush you, drive safe.

The note read, my hands start to tremble as I drop the note and grip the steering wheel tightly.

I speed off making a U turn to get out of the parking lot. This truck is noisy, the fact that there are bumps and rocks on the ground doesn't help. I groan to myself as I probably just made a scene, that, and my head is starting to hurt. Probably from worrying so much.


I finally made my way near a forest. Driving off the road, I park myself next to a tree that covers my truck nicely. Right before I turn the ignition off, the truck makes a huff like sound and goes silent.

"It didn't break down, I'm hallucinating from lack or food and sleep deprivation," I lightly tell myself in attempt to calm my nerves.

I grab one of the cups and take a drink noticing that its orange juice. Quickly, the juice is gone within a few gulps. This fills my stomach, I'll just safe the sandwich for tomorrow when I'm hungry.


"Fuck it," I mutter getting out of my cramped truck. I slam the door shut in frustration and start walking towards what I thought was the road...
If I was going towards the road, maybe I would've been there about two hours ago.

Movement from behind me and twigs breaking cause me to freeze. I turn around quickly to see those two men from the diner. "Umm, hello?" I whisper more as a question. "We were thinking we could give you a ride," the one with the leather jacket says. I slowly shake my head, "I have a cabin nearby, my cousins are waiting for me so we can fly tomorrow," I lie with ease.
"Your bruises tell me otherwise, " the other man says. I gulp.

Yes, I currently have a black eye, three cuts above my cheekbone, yellowish marks on my neck and other bruises on my body.

"You know boys, always messing with their sister," I chuckle nervously. "We don't like liars," both of then say in unison.
That's when I turn back around start running at full speed. I've always been a good runner, my stamina has always been high, especially from the jobs Darian always had me do.
Surprisingly I've dodged several rocks and twigs at ease. But I hear them gaining up on me, I only push my feet faster.

"Stop playing with our food Hartley, " The David man says sounding close. "Fine," He sighs finally tackling me to the ground. I'm flipped onto my back only opening my previous wounds from that whipping a few days ago. A groan escapes my lips as Hartley pins my arms above my head using what I'm assuming is a tree to rest them on. "Hey there, " he says as his eyes turn pitch black, like Darian's did when he was angry. My eyes widened and I began to struggle against his hold. "Stop!" I shout as loud as my weak voice can. Finally, I use my leg to kick his stomach then in the manly parts. He falls sideways and starts growling, like an animal. My breathing quicken as I scramble to my feet and start running again. Before I can get far, a huge brown dog blocks my path causing me to make a sharp right turn.

I'm tackled by this large animal almost right as I turned. I landed on my back causing me to squeal in pain. The dog stands over me with slobber getting on my jacket. "GET OFF!" I scream and start kicking again. Another dog comes to his aid and helps pin me down.

First I have to run from two large men, now I'm trapped by two large dogs?! Why today?

The dog with lighter brown fur bites my calf like its stake! I scream out in pain as the other dog claws at my stomach. The dog that was biting my calf stopped and glared at me with anger in its eyes. "PLEASE!" I scream pleading them to stop as if they could understand me. It bites me on my left wrist causing me to scream louder than I ever have before. "NO, MAKE IT STOP!" I scream in a begging manner. Pain shoots up my whole left arm and has me crying in seconds. "Get off her!" I hear another make voice say from behind. All I'm focused on is the fact this large dog still has my left wrist in his mouth. Right as the dog is forcefully ripped off me, I pass out.



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