Chapter- 2

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I attempt to open my eyes only remembering the pain in my left wrist.

Everything is too bright, I give my eyes a few blinks to adjust.

I quickly sit up as I dont recognize the room. I'm on a bed with black sheets and a blood red blanket, reasonable. The walls are painted a dark grey and there are no windows for my escape. The door is open but the pain in my stomach has me falling back onto the comfortable bed.

"How are you feeling?" A man asks suddenly on the foot of my bed. His aroura felt dangerous but not towards me.

"Better," I croaked. "I'd hope so, you've been asleep for a week straight," He says in a calm voice. Finally looking at him I'm shocked to see he has red eyes. My heart rate increases and my fight or flight senses are coming into view.

"Calm down, I mean you no harm young one," For some reason, I believed him. "My wrist, my calf... Are you the one who brought me here and attended to my wounds?" I ask quickly looking up at him. He smiles showing fangs, I gulp. "Yes, but I have some news for you. You're going to put some pieces together though, alright?" He asks calmly, I nod my head lowering my eyes in respect. "Those really big dogs, when you saw their eyes, did you notice something familiar?" He asks me slowly. "Yes," I say just how realizing. "These men were chasing me and had the same colored eyes," I finish. "Okay, do you think that was a coincidence? Or that something weird happened?" He asks me in a soft voice. "Weird," I mutter. "Ahh, what creature can go from Male to wolf?" He asks seeming happy I was catching on.

My eyes widen I gasp. "Werewolves," I say breathlessly. "But, they're supposed to be fictional," I say getting confused. Was I actually attacked by werewolves?

"Okay, you've got that part covered. Congratulations on handling that well, now, when you were attacked, what happened to your wrist?" After ge congratulated me his voice went serious. "It bit me like I was food," I grumble not very happy about that.

"How are werewolves made fictionally?" He asks calmly. "Arent they born that way? I've heard of mixing blood," I say trying not to drift off. "Correct," he says. "Those are two ways, the first being most common, any other ways?" He asks.

"Spells," I say. "What about bites?" He asks, and I nod. What does this have to do with me? Am I getting some kind of lesson on mythical creatures that just so happen to be real?

"What happened to your wrist?" He asks still calm. "It was almost chewed off," I state now getting grumpy. "But also," he says trying to get me to catch on.

My mouth drops, "Bitten,"I whisper slightly confused.

"Ahh, now, what were we just talking about?" He asks me again. "How werewolves are made," I say gulping.

I've finally caught on.

"Am I going to change?" I ask scared. "You will shift at one point, whether you survive it or not is your choice," He says quietly.

"But I'm human, my body isnt made for that," I frown finally looking at him. He smiles looking into my eyes.

"I can train you," he says still staring into my eyes, as if in a trance. "That would be amazing!" I say enthusiastically. "You're eyes are beautiful child, " he whispers still looking at me. "It's a gift," he says more to himself than me. "I'll be making some food while you make your way to the kitchen." He says before dismissing himself.

He is wearing plain jeans and a black tshirt. I look down and see that I've been changed into larger clothing.

Did he change me?! Oh no, did he violate me while I was passed out? Was this all for his pleasure? This man is probably going to kill me.

Hold on...

I was asleep for a week?!

Getting up hurt my back worse than even my wrist, but it wasn't impossible. I slowly swung both legs off the bed and stood up limping to the wall for support. I'm wearing black and blue pajama pants, obviously Male clothes, and a very baggy brown tshirt. Looking inside the shirt, I'm not wearing a bra.

Oh god, he really did violate me.

Tears brim in my eyes. I look down my pants too see new, clean underwear on. It was like boxer briefs.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen only letting go of the wall to sit in the chair. I allowed the tears to flow freely down my face, I had been violated and not able to fend for myself.

The man turns to me and frowns confused. "Did you change me?" I whimpered quietly but looking into those red eyes of his. "Yes, but I can promise I didn't peak," he says smiling as if he knows something I dont. Well, he probably knows a lot more than I do.

"Little one, I dont swing that way," he says with dreamily eyes. My eyebrows rise and my tears stop. "Huh?" I ask confused. "I like men," he says clearly proud of it.

That put me at more ease.

He sniffs the air and runs toward me at inhuman speed. "Ah!" I scream scared. "You're bleeding somewhere, did you break stitches?" He asks quickly. I shrug not knowing. He grabs my wrist and inspects the gauze only to see that it's still clean. He glances down at my leg and shakes his head as if knowing I was okay there. "Your back," he says going behind me. "I will be right back," he says and I smell eggs and bacon. How do I tell him I dont like actual bacon? Restaurants serve the fake stuff, which, you cant ever taste.
How did he know I was bleeding somewhere? Even I didn't know, and it's my body!

He comes back and I smell rubbing alcohol. "Okay, this is going to sting," he says lifting up my shirt. I tense up as he does so. "Hey, remember, I like dick," he whispers reassurance causing me to laugh and relax a bit.

He sprays some rubbing alcohol on my back and begins patching it up. I didn't even flinch, "That wasn't bad," I say calmly. "What's your name little one?" He asks going back to the eggs, which surprisingly, have not burnt.

"My name is Layla, what's yours?" I question starting to feel more comfortable around him. "My name is Derrick," he says making me smile.


"So, when do we start?" I ask putting weight on both legs. "Once you're healed, which, should be within the next two days." I nod.

"What exactly happened to your back little one?" Derrick asks lowly. "Oh, yeah, well..." I struggle to find an excuse. "If we're going to trust each other, we need go be honest, you start," Derrick says putting my arm around his shoulder and walking me back to the room I woke up in and on the bed. "I was whipped for talking back," I say chuckling.

Derrick makes a fist with his hand but I act as if I didn't notice it. "Okay, you've notice the eyes, have you noticed the fangs?" He asks opening his mouth. "Now I have," I say. "Do you know what I am?" He asks grinning. "Vampire?" I assumed, werewolves are real, why not vampires?

"Yes," he says. Hearing him say it out loud caused my breathing to quicken. "W-would -y-y-you..." I try to finish but fail. "No, you dont seem like my type," he says smiling. I smile back but in all reality, I'm fairly offened.


Why would I agree to this? Oh yeah, i dont have much to live for, one. Two, why the hell not?

Sure, hes a fucking vampire about to train a future werewolf, hopefully. That's irony!

Here goes nothing.

A/N.        NOT EDITED

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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