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It is 12am and tonight I have decided to stay in. My parents are asleep, Calum is downstairs with his friends being loud idiots. & I have yet to see our parents come out and yell at his ass to tell him to stop being such a loud ass-- As for me I'm sitting in my room alone listening to music and drawing. At least I'm trying to. Can't do much of that when I can barely hear myself think.

But now that I'm thinking about thinking. All my thoughts come flowing in and I can't hear a thing to inturupt me. I take advantage of this.


​​​​​​As I lie down on my bed a million and one things come to my mind. But one thing in particular I think into real deep about..

Ever since I was a little girl. I've always been kind of a sad person. I mean givin my situations I can understand. But there are times where I just get this whole other side of me. Do you ever get that feeling? The feeling of having two completely different personalities? Because I do. Very often. One minute I'll be listening to music and being happy. But then it's like something takes a hold over me and I feel this need to completely change the way I'm acting and what I'm doing. I'd go from that happy girl to a girl I'm not even sure i wanna be or that I... That I like.. but anyways...I would go from that happy go lucky girl to this dark version of myself not even being able to control what I do or say. I go out clubbing, drinking, to parties, being rude to the people that I love.... & Just becoming... A horrible person.. but there's also another side that is in between. I can be happy but be drinking at a party. But being nice to everyone. & I just don't understand the way I'm wired I suppose..

I get chills down my spine and shake the feeling off real quick, getting up off of my bed and walking downstairs and into the living room

I walk and sit down on a couch seated next to Calum and he just looks at me for a moment before asking. "Why aren't you asleep by now, siLLy?". 

I smell the bitter taste of whiskey leave his breath and I laugh. "It's alright. I just wanted to come down here and chill with my bro." I say looking over at his group of 3 friends on the floor playing guitar hero and I roll my eyes at them with a laugh. Calum nods. "You want a drink?" He asks. "Sure why not." I say back as he pours a shot tequila for me. He knows I hate whiskey.

"Ohhhhh, hey! Calum sister is joining us, now we can have some funn." Luke said looking over and pausing the game. Michael laughs along and Ahston just slightly looks over at me with a half smile and then looks away. I look at Luke. "Yeah!" I say smiling a smile of true happiness. Here with my brother and his dorky friends...

Calum laughs. "Who wants to smoke a joint?" He asks shrugging his shoulders as if to say 'why not?'. "Sure" I say as I sit down on the floor near the coffee table to where I could pour another shot of tequila. After I am done pouring it in my glass, I pour it into my mouth. Feeling my throat burn. But not a bad burn. The kind of burn that brings you satisfaction and makes you want another taste of whatever is that's causing the burning to occur. "Anyone want another shot of whiskey?" They all drink it. More tequila for me!. They all show a sign of hands as Ahston is sitting next to me on his phone, Calum is rolling a joint, and Luke and Michael having an argument about something that probably doesn't even matter. 

I hand all of them their shots and we all take them at the same time after clinking our glasses together as if someone just made a toast. Calum lights the joint and by time the joint is gone-- Almost everyone is passed out asleep somewhere upstairs. Ashton however is on the couch playing some video game as I clean up after everyone so my parents don't freak. 

Ahston looks back at me then back at the coffee table and pours a shot and consumes it. Then after turning the tv off and straightening up the living room he walks into the kitchen where I am. Stumbeling while doing all of it might I add. Probably a little drunk. As I'm wiping off the table with a rag he sits on a stool pulled up to the counter. "Can I tell you somethin?" He asks slurring his words. I laugh a little. "Knock yourself out." I say with a smile at the end, giving him a short glance before I look back at the table I am wiping off. "I've always had a little thing for you.." he says looking down at his feet.

Shocked by what he had said I just stand there for a moment in silence stopping what I am doing. He's probably just drunk... Haha.. it's funny now that I think about it. I used to have a crush on him. But he's never shown any interest in me at all so why would he be doing it now? Because he's drunk. 

"I think you're just a little drunk, Ash." I say as I start wiping off the table again. "No.. no..-" I inturupt him before he can say anything further. "Hey what do you say we talk about this tomorrow okay? When you're sober? You know.. if you remember it..." I mumble the last part. 

He then opens his mouth as if he was going to say something further but nothing came out. Instead he just nodded and walked upstairs. 

As I finish up cleaning the table I let out a sigh. Turn off the kitchen lights and walk upstairs, into my bedroom. Kicking off my shoes and lying down in my already darkened room. 

As I sit there I start to think of a million different things about what he had said. About what I know couldn't have been true. Although I wouldn't mind if it were.. I sigh once again shaking all the thoughts of him from my mind. I start to feel the effects of the alcohol I had consumed a little earlier back and I nod off to sleep...



Hope you enjoyed this chapter! & I enjoyed writing it tbh, I missed writing. 

Anyways. Give me some feedback? Maybe some ideas for future chapters?

Hope you're all doing well and have a good day 🖤 ~ Xoxo.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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