Chapter 1

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Brooklyn read the letter to herself three times and finally started jumping up and down squealing. She ran into the house with letter. Her mother was in the kitchen. She was finally getting out of this tiny town they called Blanchester located in Ohio.

"Mom! Mom! I got in!" She screamed and jumped up and down again.

"Well let's take your voice down a few thousand levels although I'm sure the neighbors will be happy for you too." Her mom read the letter and smiled at Brooklyn.

"Congratulations baby girl! You earned this. I am so so proud of you!" She hugged her daughter. She wished her dad was here to tell him. She wondered what he would say and do. Cancer at taken him at age 45 and she missed him every day. That was 5 years ago. She liked to think he was watching her like a guardian angel would.

"I have to get stuff for a dorm. That is so cool! I will be staying in a dorm!" She said brushing the sad thoughts out of her mind.

"Well, I guess we need to make a shopping trip soon." Her mom said smiling at her then hugging her again. "I'm just so proud of you. Go get ready and we will go ahead and go."

Brooklyn skipped up the stairs happily and headed for the shower. She showered quickly and picked out her best shopping outfit.

She picked out something cute but simple. Skinny jeans with a baggy shirt and tied in a knot at her hip. She threw on a pair of pumps with the outfit. She left her hair long and slightly wavy hair down. She looked in the mirror and cringed slightly. She had issues with her image. She could never see what everyone else had seen when they called her pretty or cute. She ignored the mirror and turned on her heels. Nothing was going to make this day bad for her. She wouldn't let it.

She bounced down the stairs and greeted her mom who stood there, purse and keys in hand.

"You look more and more grown up every day." Her mom said and her eyes watered.

"Mom, I'm 15. Far from grown up. You got me as a non grown up for at least another 5-6 years." She said and smirked.

"Well, it feels like you are getting closer to that mark pretty quickly. I mean I feel like I was just changing your diapers yesterday!" Her mom said being over dramatic about it. Brooklyn rolled her eyes but smiled. She loved her mom. She had helped her through some hard times. The overwhelming depression she had felt when her father had died. It nearly consumed her. Her mom had been her rock through it all. That was a dark place and time she never wanted to visit again. This would be the first time she spent any large amount of time away from her mom and this time she would only see her on holidays and vacations.

"Brook? What's wrong?" Her mom asked her as she was buried in her own thoughts.

"What? Nothing mom. I was just thinking. Nothing important." She smiled at her mom who now looked worried. "Mom" She grabbed her moms hands and smiled brightly at her. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Well ok then. Do you want to get dinner while we are out?" Her mom asked her.

"As long as it's Olive Garden." She replied back grinning from ear to ear.

They both climbed into the car and drove first to Ikea. Brooklyn picked out a dorm bedroom set. Something stylish yet compact enough to fit in a small space. Her mother had a decent job. They weren't rich but they lived comfortably. She had a trust fund waiting for her when she turned of age and entered college. Both stipulations had to be met to receive it.

They went to Bed Bath and Beyond next. She picked her a few decor items and a bedding set. She tried to pick things that didn't look like a child would use them but she liked colorful things. She ended up picking out a quilted bedding set that had pink, purple and teal swirls. She picked out a few photo frames to put a few of her favorite pictures in. One of her and her mother. One of her and her father and one of her and her best friend Melissa.

Two years ago Melissa had left a party with her boyfriend at the time. He had been driving under the influence and had crashed their car. Melissa had died on impact. Brooklyn had been heart broken and felt lost for the longest time. She heard about Bangtan High School and it have given her something to focus on and work towards. She was afraid of what would happen had she not had something to look forward to. Depression is an ugly disease that most do not understand the seriousness of it until it actually happens to them. She had to take medication now for depression and anxiety.

Brooklyn and her mother had shopped for her necessities and she would need in her dorm. Then went to get some new clothes. She wouldn't need many outfits. Maybe a few dressy outfits, pajamas, workout clothes and a few casual outfits. She would wear a uniform most of the time. Even her physical education clothes were uniforms. She and her mother headed towards the mall to hit the clothing stores.

They bought way too many clothes for her. She had told her mom it was too much but her mother had said "Nothing is too much for my girl." She had to be at campus over the weekend for orientation and knew her mom was trying to cram as much time in with her as possible before she left. The had eaten and went home only for her to start packing. All the bigger items were being shipped to her dorm is Seoul, Korea.

The rest of the week went by quickly. She was constantly packing and organizing only to unpack and organize because she wasn't satisfied with the way it had been pack. Her mother had bought her a new laptop and a new iphone. She felt undeserving of all these fancy new things. She knew this had set her mom back quite a bit and didn't want her mother to go without because of this. The school itself would be paid on scholarship so the only thing she would have to do is keep up her grades.

The time had finally come for her to board her plane. Her mother stood with tears in her eyes hugging her one last time.

"If you decide you want to come home for any reason, you call ok?" Her mom said to her as tears streamed down her face.

"Mom, I'm not going away forever. Besides, now that I am gone... maybe you might find some single hot guy to date." Brooklyn said wiggling her eyebrows teasingly at her mother.

"Oh stop it." She and pulled her in for the millionth hug. "I could have done that with you here. I still love your father. Maybe one day... I'm just not ready."

"Mom, I will be fine. I can do this. Don't worry." Brooklyn said giving her mother a reassuring smile.

They hugged one last time and they announced last call to board the plane. She waved to her mother and pulled the strap up of her backpack up and walked onto the boarding ramp to the plane.

The flight felt longer than it actually was. She ate 3 meals and slept while she was on the plane. Watched a movie via the airlines selection of the day. She fell asleep for the second time and woke up to the plane landing. She was excited but already felt lonely. She thought she would be used to this feeling by now. After Melissa, she had closed herself off from everyone. However, this was a new school, new start. No one knew her here. No one would pity the poor depressed girl who lost her father and her best friend.

She exited the plane via the ramp and went to get her bags from baggage claim. Her student guide was supposed to pick her up. This would be the person to show her how things were done. How to sign up for classes, where her dorm and other facilities were and even show her to her classes.

She walked towards a crowd of people with her luggage in tow, looking for someone with a sign maybe. Even maybe a uniform. She noticed a guy, maybe 17 years old standing there holding up a sign that said Brooklyn in permanent marker. He had mint green hair and was dressed pretty stylish. He looked annoyed to even be there. She walked towards him and gave him a friendly smile.

"I-I-I'm Brooklyn." She said shyly and pointed to his sign.

"Great." He said unemotionally. "Let's go. This way." He said motioning for her to follow.

She struggled to keep up with his quick strides. "I'm sorry. What is your name?" She asked trying to make polite conversation and in a way let him know she was unable to keep up.

He suddenly stopped in front of a red sports car and turned to her as he opened the door for her.

He said giving her a smirk but avoided her eyes."The name is Yoongi, but most people call me Suga."

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