Fun and Games Part Two [Nightmare x Reader]

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SORRY TO Riverain_2003 BECAUSE I DIDNT SEE HER REPLY SOONER IM SUCH A BAD PERSON SORRY. I also forgot to add the part two to the title.... sorry again. Man, I'm worthless aren't i?

Last night was a good night. He got to play chase then he got to have some fun with you, like a toy. That's what Nightmare saw humans as. Nothing but toys and a food source of negative emotions.

Humans were so fun to play with. They were so prone to negativity, it's as If everyone is a pessimist and an optimist was the ablino of the pack. But this human kept coming back with almost confidence,. Of course, they knew nothing of how the real world works. Just everything inside of their own.

Naive human.


You find yourself in a new dream. It was dreary and a dark, ominous Forest surrounded you. You heard a deep growl from nearby and feel the fear rise within you and push yourself to run. You noticed every dream Involves running, yet you've never grown accustomed to it.

You take off, a red cloak hovering behind you and your shirt catching the wind, weighting you down in a sense. But you kept pushing. The illusion of fatigue always would reach you faster and faster with each dream. Continuos fleeing in dreams is like continuous running in the real world. Over time, you get tired quicker. Your brain just had to remember the detail and transfer the logic into your personal dream.

You trip over a root, seemingly out of th ground just to trip you, and fall onto the dirt. Lucky for you, mid splashes up and places a light brushed on coating over your face. It got into your mouth. You start coughing to get it out, but then you have a whole new reason to cough.

Goopy, black liquid starts oozing from your mouth. It was a very thick, slow liquid like molasses. You take your finger and wipe it off, getting a good look at it. The very same goop that the creature who haunts your unconscious dreaming was drenched in from head to toe.

Now you feel tears rolling down your cheeks. You weren't even crying. Thst made you gasp and fling your finger tips. The same Thick, black ooze dripping from your eyes. You could feel your eyes squeezing out of their sockets and something trying to push out your back from inside.

You scream in agony, even though pain is merely an illusion in the dream world. Four sharp tips pokemout of your skin and flesh, ripping it apart and sprouting from it like proud little beanstalks.

 Your hair becomes ooze. Your eyes roll out and are replaced by an overflowing of black ooze. Your mouth opens and it starts flowing out there too. Three waterfalls of black twrmcovering your body and enveloping you to a new mole of yourself.

With your eyes, rolled out on the ground, you look and see the creature with its same malicious grin. He chuckled a deep, evillous chuckle thst sends shivers down your now coated spine. You look in his chan eye, veins of red poking out of it as if the red was mass pleasure.

You then watch your body drown in the ooze, collapsing before standing up again. Where your eyes once were, two cyan orbs replaced it. A sickening, evil grin took over your own mouth. Four tentacles identical to the creature's waving from your back almost elegantly. Your perspective now only in a pair of eyes, you watch in horror as you become one with the creature, making him very much stronger and bigger.

You see him gain three eyes and sharper teeth. Eight tentacles and almost double in size. He lets out an evil laugh that would chill anyone's bones. Then, one by one, each eye directed its focus on your eyes, Rolled out In the ground like a pair of dice.

The nightmare continues. The creature shifts so now he is facing you. He crouches down in front of you and reaches his arm towards you. Then, your vision all goes black as he grabs your eyes in his tar endured claw.


You wake up in your normal, cold sweat to the alarm beeping away. Wait, since when was your alarm set for four in the morning? You sit up and turn it off, looking around your room. Normally a little light was in the corner in the mornings, but now it's completely dark.

You turn your head and in the pitch blackness you see a singular, cyan eye staring back at you before a villainous grin stretches out of nowhere. You let out a large scream for help. He's real! He's real!!!


You wake up with a start, sitting all the way up. You hear your alarm beeping away. It said the correct time. You looked around and saw the tiny light in the corner. You exhaled in relief and turned off the alarm.

You've never experienced two dreams back to back. You wipe your forehead and there isn't even more sweat dripping off of it. You sigh in relief it was over.

Maybe you need help on this one.


Was that enough?! Oh god PLEASE be enough! I'm so sorry!


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