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Nina's PoV

I noticed that, for some reason, my heartbeat seemed to quicken around Snape recently. I found that I enjoyed his company, as he was really pleasant to talk to after breaking the ice he kept around himself. And he did a lot of things for me, like making Wolfsbane, saving me from Death Eaters, training me, before that tutoring me in potions, staying with me all night during my first transformation and now listening to me open up for the first time in my life.

I trusted him in spite of his history, and in spite of actually knowing so little about him. He was still guarded and reserved, but the deeper that I delved, the more interesting it became. His actions were certainly speaking louder than his words.

I admired him for how he kept up the intimidating demeanor and his so much knowledge and passion underneath it. Plus, let's be honest, he was young and cool as hell. Or hot as hell, since hell is hot.

Lucius and Jenn were sitting together at the Slytherin table when I waltzed in for dinner, and got bombarded with questions.

I made up a story about Dumbledore noticing my talents, and giving me extra training once a month. They seemed really excited about that, like two proud parents.

I also noticed they kept touching each others hands every so often.

I managed to shoot Jenn a questioning gaze, to which she replied with a blush and looking away.

Rofus lost all his chances, but I was happy for Jenn.

"Jenn, your badgers are shooting you scornful gazes, you might want to return to your lair." I said after a yet another Hufflepuff angrily pointed at Jenn.

"Oh, right. See you around!" she said, glancing at her classmates with a smile before taking off.

"So, Lucius, you like Jenn?" I asked bluntly when she was gone, making Lucius blush.

"I do. But I don't think I'm right for her. The Dark Lord and all, it doesn't seem like her cup of tea."he said.

"No shit, Sherlock. I'm sure you'll get over your obsession soon, so no need to worry. You go for it, but I will skin you if you hurt her or try to win her over to the dark side. You I can tolerate as his ally, but being forced to fight against two of my friends in case of a battle is too much." I said.

"So you won't be on our side if there's a fight?" he asked, sounding sightly disappointed.

"I trust you won't betray that to your dear Voldy." I said sharply, and he shook his head.

"I'm not heartless, Nina, I wouldn't betray you for anything. I wouldn't be able to hurt you if there wa a fight, but he would hurt me if I wasn't on his side. I urge to tell you about our meetings, but in his eyes, you're the enemy, and he'd do worse than kill me if I betrayed anything. I will warn you if your life is in danger, though." he said, and I smiled.

I almost got killed once already, but okay, he didn't know about that.
I just wished the idiot would leave behind his prejudice and kick Voldemort goodbye.
I showed up at Snape's office in spite of his unexpectedly immature warning.
It wasn't because of my great thirst for knowledge, it was because Lucius couldn't stop talking about Voldemort and the good he brought to the world.
Lucius was in it mostly just for power, and it was obvious he was trying to convince himself rather than convince me, since he knew exactly what my opinion was.
But choosing me, the great Voldy hater, to talk about the Dark Lord with showed some promise since he obviously wanted me to prove him wrong.
I still found the topic frustrating and my lycanthropy was only making my temper shorter, so I went to 'Advanced Potions'.

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