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Everything was going great.

Snape was grading papers at one corner while I worked at the other, and I happily kept winking at the Gryffindor whenever she glanced at me.

But my happiness left me when Snape left us alone, saying he'd be back within fifteen minutes.

Maybe I should've kept the mocking to a minimum, because I couldn't help noticing that the girl seemed odd. Really odd. She got put off by everything I did, and I had to admit she seemed quite mad. I didn't want to start a fight with someone who couldn't control themselves.

Silence befell us, and I assumed the Gryffindor wouldn't try anything, which was a relief, because I was certain she'd use an Unforgivable Curse right there and then.

But I was wrong.

I was in the middle of stirring the potion when I noticed she stopped sorting the Flobberworms.

I remained cautious as I watched her slowly stand up and move towards me, until she was grinning at me menacingly.

"Is there a problem?" I asked her, wondering what she was going to do. Then, I noticed she had a handful of Flobberworms in her hand.

She wanted to dump them into my potion.

"Oh, no you don't!" I said suddenly, grabbing her hand just in time as she lifted it.

We struggled over the potion, her not giving a damn about spilling it and me trying my best to keep her away from it.

"Get away, are you nuts, it's for Madam Pomfrey!" I said desperately, giving her a hard push, which seemed to resolve the conflict because Snape just walked in.

It was easy for me to get back to the potion, and Snape only saw the Gryffindor dripping squished Flobberworms onto the floor.

"Ten points from Gryffindor and get the hell out!" he said sharply, and the girl ran outside, still clutching the worms, leaving behind her wand.

"Dimwitted fool." he muttered as he waved his wand around to clean the mess. 

"What's up with her?" I asked casually as crushed some snake fangs. Snape shook his head.

"Do I look like I care? She got detention for attacking a boy in class, so love problems, most likely. And what the hell did you think with breaking into the classroom today?" he said, leaning on the table in front of me and eyeing me angrily.

It made my heartbeat quicken and my mouth involuntarily twitched up when I realised he looked kind of... cute. Handsomely cute.

His brows furrowed in confusion at my reaction, and he stepped back, lifting his eyebrows in confusion.

"What's so amusing?" he asked, and I shook my head, chuckling softly.

"Nothing. Well, I think you know very well why I broke in. I failed miserably, but I still have two weeks. What was that meeting about?" I asked innocently.

"As you yourself have so discreetly noted, it was a secret meeting, and you were not invited." he hissed, and I smiled again.

"Was it about Voldemort?" I asked further as he moved aside to store away the Flobberworms.

"None of your business, but yes. I know I'm very pleasant to look at, but I suggest you return your focus to the potion." he said, and I blushed slightly as I looked back to my potion. Bastard.

I was done fairly soon, and I pointed to the potion proudly. Snape walked over, gave it a quick look and nodded.

"You're free to go." he said.

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