Chapter 3

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Luke Point of View

Later that night I knew I had to get home because we had interviews the next day, I walked up to Lauren’s room and I was about to knock on the door when I heard them both talking.

“I miss hanging out with Luke” Ash said 

“Yeah I hate seeing you upset” Lauren said 

“The boys are heading to the UK and LA soon” Ash said 

“I know now we are going to get through this together” Lauren said 

I knocked on the door and slowly opened it

“Hey Ash I am heading home do you want a lift?” I asked 

“Um…sure” she said

She said bye to Lauren and we started to walk down to the bus stop, it was awkward while we were standing at the bus stop the cold winter air blowing over our bodies. Ash was typing into her phone I looked at my phone time seeing the bus would be here any minute.

Once the bus arrive we hopped on and made our way home. There was quite a few people on the bus I guess they were heading home from work. About 10 minutes later we made it to the front of Norwest and started making our way home.

Ash was walking behind but very slowly, just taking her sweet little time she seems to be in no rush home. Once we made it home she ran up to her room and I am guessing locked herself in there. I walked into the kitchen and saw mum in there cooking over the stove.

“Hey mum” I said 

“Oh hey Luke you know you have an interview in the morning” she said 

“Yeah I know, I have a question” I asked 

“Go ahead” 

“Ok I was wondering could Ash go on tour with us.” I asked 

“Um…I’m not sure we have to talk to management” 

“How about she comes to us to the UK, Australia and New Zealand” I said 

“She will be in year 11 next year and have exams” 

“I have this all planned out” I said 

“Oh really now” she questioned 

“Yes now listen, the UK/Europe tour is at the start of the year we can hire a tutor for her and get the school to send work over” I said 

“Still not convincing you are only 17 Luke” 

“I haven’t finished yet, as I was saying the UK leg of the tour is in the first half of the year from February to April she misses about the first term of school and then she goes to school for term 2 and 3 does her exams and then we arrive back in Australia in the term 3 holidays and you come to LA and the rest of the US with us so you swap” I said

“Wait let me get this straight she comes on tour with you in the UK, Australia and New Zealand and I come to LA and the US leg of the tour with yes” she said unsure

“Yes you are correct you win a million dollars” I said waving my arms in the air  

“I will call them now” she said walking off

I just smiled to myself and made my way to the living room

Liz Point of View

Taking the Long way Home (5 Seconds of Summer)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora