1. New guy

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I really hope that you will like this story, pleas vote and comment!!!😁 (This is my first sotry so if you have any suggestions please share them wit me)


My name is Stormy Black and I am 16 years old. Everyone are saying that I should have fun but, I rather read books and study. My long dark hair, wide blue eyes and my perfect body makes guys falling for me... But I'm not interesting in any of them.

"Stormy wake up! You will miss school... Again!" My mom yelld from the kitchen.

I groan and move on the other side of the bed. I am not a morning person. "It happened on time, one time, and it wasn't my fault... it was Bella's!" I said back and cover my head with a pillow.

Bella is my two years younger sister. Her real name is Isabella but we call her Bella. She has blonde hair and blue eyes like me. I also have a brother Jack, but he is three years older. He has dirty blond hair and blue eyes like me and Bella. They both got hair colour after my dad and my hair is like my mother's.

I get up from bed and walk to the closet. I put on black leggings, light pink crop top jeans jacket and black botts. It wasn't on of my favourite outfits but it will do for today.

I ran out from my room, down the stairs to the kitchen. Everyone was ready so I just put up my hair in a messy bun.

Jack drive me and Bella to school. It was a quiet ride.

We got out of the car and went in to the school. I went to my locker and started to pickup my books for the history and then... I saw him.

The new guy was standing right next to me. We were so, so close. I could smell his nice and perfect scent. I turned in to his way and cought him staring at me. I looked up at his almost black eyes and dark hair. That was the moment that I found the perfect guy.

The mysterious guy and I were just standing there looking in to eash other's eyes. I couldn't think on anything else than him. Everyone were staring in to us but I couldn't care less.

Then I heard the bell. I looked away and went to class. So didn't he.

I sat down and put my books on the table. I couldn't concentrate on what teacher was saying... I don't even know what his name is and I already fall for him...

"Miss Black coul you please tell us how the piramides were build in Egypt?" Miss Tetiny said and the whole class look at me.

"The piramides...? In Egypt?" I asked confused. "I... I don't know, s-sorry." I said and wait what the ticher will say.

"Well then you can tell me what is more important to think about then your education in this moment?" Teacher said and wrote something in to her notebook.

I could hear the laughs from the other student. My cheeks went red.

"N-nothing, sorry." I said and our conversation was over. The lesson was soon over and I left the class. That'll be a long day!

Thanks for reading this! It means so much to me!

I will update soon (I hope) 😘

New guyWhere stories live. Discover now