Chapter XIX - The Way to the Throne

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Roxana laid in her bed, staring at the dazzling brightness of the sun coming in through the windows. It was brought daylight. She ought to be taking her stroll in the garden by now, but she stayed wrapped up in her blankets. Bahar had begged her to get out of bed. She had refused.

Alexander is gone Alexander is gone Alexander is gone.

This statement rang like a heavy church bell tolling over and over in her head. She let it toll. 

It was unbelievable, really. He had been so young, and so strong, and he had gone as quickly as he had flashed into her life. Suddenly she felt a kick inside her stomach. She looked down at her swollen belly, completely astonished. After a few seconds, she felt another kick. The kick was strong. Roxana clutched her stomach, not believing what had just happened, and began to wrack with sobs. She sat there weeping until she heard a muffled voice outside the door. 

"My queen, you are requested in the court room." Roxana sighed. She did not want to get up. Yet she knew that if she did nothing now, she and her son would not survive. With the help of Bahar she wore a colourful shirt with rose patterns. Spanning out from her earlobes were fancy earrings and tied around her waist was a red sash, marking the place where her rich brown skirt brimmed out. Her cherry red lips were made to be redder with powder. She did not forget her crown. 

Roxana tried to look strong as possible as she stood on the podium besides Perdiccas. Perdiccas stood beside Arrhidaeus, Alexander's half-brother who sat on the throne. Below the podium were all the generals and the witnesses.

"Order!" Roxana jumped at the sound of Arrhidaeus shrieking throughout the court room. She had forgotten that he was mentally deficient, and for that reason had stayed out of court life. Until now.

"I call order!" The murmurs inside the room died down. "I, Arrihidaeus, am here, sitting on this very throne today," here he pointed his bony finger at the armrests of his throne, "because I have the right to as Alexander's brother. He was a close brother of mine, and it is a tragedy that he died. " Arrhidaeus face contorted as tears slid from his face.  He wiped them away furiously with his arm and stood up. "But now that he is dead, I propose that anyone who goes against me, his brother, will be executed!" The new king started laughing manically. The room was silent. 

Then General Perdiccas spoke up. 

"Just one question, my king," he said, bowing his head low, "will you not appoint a regent to be head over matters so that your burden will be lighter?" Arrhidaeus seemed to think for a while, head cocked to the side before replying,  "since you mentioned this, you can become regent."

"Very well," replied Perdiccas. "As regent, I propose that the empire be divided among our generals so that your task, my king, will be even easier." Arrhidaeus did not reply. He was too busy twirling a ring that was on his pinky finger. A servant beside him tried to make him aware of what was occurring but Arrhidaeus only gnashed his teeth at him and continued playing with the ring. Perdiccas did not let this deter him.

"My friends," he called out to the generals, "I have called all of you here because of your faithfulness. You have worked hard, for many many years and some for their entire lives, for the sake of this great empire. Now, it is time that all of you were rewarded." A servant passed a scroll to him and Perdiccas proceeded to unroll it. Then he read it aloud.

"Ptolemy," He said. Ptolemy nodded his head in acknowledgement, "You are to rule Egypt."

"Lysimachus," He said next, "Thrace." Lysimachus gave a bow.

"Antipater, father of Cassander, I give you Macedonia. Lastly, Selecuos, I have not mentioned you to rule any of the lands, yet I have a much more important job for you," He said.

"You are in charge of the royal treasury," He said. Selecuos bowed.

"It is not wise to delay time in anything that we do. Especially when we are in the midst of such a crucial era. Thus I propose that all of you be dispatched by tomorrow, or at the very least, in three days' time. Is this fair for you, my friends?" Perdiccas asked. All of the generals nodded their heads in assent. 

"What about the queen?," Spoke Polyperchon, who had been observing all of this silently. His eyes looked weary, his forehead beginning to show wrinkles. 

"She carries out next heir and must be kept safe," said Perdiccas, looking at her with feigned concern. "Polyperchon, why don't you undertake this honourable task?" He asked. Polyperchon looked at him and nodded. He then turned to Roxana and winked.

After the meeting, Polyperchon supported Roxana all the way past the carpeted floors and the beastly statues to the door of her chamber while many thoughts flooded into Roxana's mind. Perdiccas had appointed himself as regent of the empire, and nobody had done anything about it. The empire was now divided amongst the generals while the new king was half mad. 

"Thank you, you may leave now," She told Polyperchon once they arrived at the door. He bowed, and then turned to go.

"Wait," She said. Roxana hesitated before she continued. "All of the generals have taken a lands in the empire lie dogs going after pieces of meat. What about you? Whose side are you on?" She asked. The old man looked at her and smiled. He was old, but he still looked like a mighty general in his flowing red cape and scabbard attached to his belt. Suddenly, he lowered himself and knelt before her.

"I am on your side, and I promise you that I shall be that way until the end of my days," He said. Roxana stood stunned. The general lifted his head.

"I do this for the sake of Alexander." 

"For the sake of Alexander," She whispered. Polyperchon slowly stood up and turned to go.

"Wait," cried Roxana. 

"Yes, my queen?"  

"For the sake of Alexander, will you grant me one request?" She asked.

"I will do whatever it takes to protect Alexander's wife and child," he replied.

"Then help me..." Roxana's eyes grew cold. "Help me annihilate his other wives."

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