The cliff and police

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Isabella's POV

I sit there on the bed going through my phone looking through the pictures of me and Luke. Maybe he only felt sorry for me and dated me, maybe he was like my old friend who only felt sorry for me and then ditched me. Like usual I'm left sad and alone but soon that will be all over.

" Um hello can I have a cab to roundmort hill ?" I ask speaking into the phone

"Yes of course ma'am " the voice replied " that will be five minuets " the voice adds

I hang up and grab my bag filling them with bottles of pills and medicine. I walk outside after I've finished touching up my makeup and hair. it takes about 15 minuets to get there and the cab driver pulls up.

" There you go ma'am " the driver says

" How much is that ?" I ask quietly

" For you it's free you don't have to pay , your a pretty young girl and I'm a gentleman so go on " he smiled

" Thank you very much " I say fake smiling and get out of the car.

I walk slowly to the edge of the cliff I take some of the pills in my hand and then swallow them and then I take some medicine and more pills and I start to feel dizzy. I stand on the edge of the cliff and was about to jump when I hear someone shout

" Hey ! what are you doing ??" the voice shouted and I knew the voice but I couldn't make out who the girls voice came from. I turn around and her face turns to full shock and worry.

" Izzy no !" she shouts and runs towards me " Niall !!!!!" she shouts that's how I know them it's Lauren and Niall

Niall's runs towards us and picks me up and starts running back to the car.

" Niall she took loads of medicine and pills " Lauren cries

" Babe listen calm down and phone Luke quick " he says

Why Luke he doesn't even care about me he doesn't anymore and he probably never did. My eyes began to feel heavy and started to close.

" No Izzy !!!!!!! stay with us " Lauren shouts but I couldn't I lost the battle with the darkness and it closes in quickly.

Luke's POV

I'm currently walking down the street when I hear my phone ring.

" Hello ?" I say worried

" Luke we found her " Lauren cried

" What's happened ?" I raise my voice worried she carried one crying until Niall spoke

" Sorry mate she's super worried you see Izzy has taken loads of medicine and pills we've just taken her into the hospital and they won't allow anyone right now " Niall speaks calmly

" Shit shit shit shit shit shit ! what do I do !" I ask worried

" You take your phone to the police, they'll see the death threats and then they'll keep you safe somehow . but do it " he says

" Okay " I gulp and hang up. I make a turn and head to the police and I'm there in a matter of no time

"Good evening sir how can I help " the officer says

" Me and. girlfriend are receiving death threats " I cry

" Okay come with me " he replies calmly. I follow him down a long hall way and into this metal black door that says ' threats ' and we walk in

" Evening Mr. Thomas I have a young boy receiving death threats through text and their pointed at his girlfriend as well " he says calmly

" Okay I'll handle it from here " the other man replies and the first officer walked out. " okay so you can call me Pete for starters and pass me your phone " he says I pass him my phone shaking

" Hmm okay yeah don't worry we'll get you both security and we'll track the number down , where's your girlfriend ?" he asks and my hear aches

" She's in hospital " I reply

" Okay has it got anything to do with this has anyone hurt her ?" he asks

" No sir " I say

" Okay well you can leave and who hospital and you'll go with a body guard" he says

" Thank you Pete " I reply and walk out the building with a big built man.

" So Luke is it ?? where are you wanting to go ? oh and I'm Marcus " he says

" Hospital " I reply

" Hospital it is " he says " what's your girlfriends name ? " He asks

" Izzy smith " I say letting tears fall

" Isabella smith ?" He questions

" Yes . Do you know her ?" I ask

" Oh do I know Izzy she always used to be alone near the lake round here and I used to go talk to her but when her parents started beating her she told me she couldn't speak to anyone anymore or her parents would hurt her I worked in the police at the time but we only knew they beat her months after they did and she didn't want to press charges. I always looked at her as a niece because I'm 32 now and she's only 17 now I think " he explains

" Ah okay " I say as we head inside the hospital.

Oh what have I done .............

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