stressed out

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shorter chapter today guys xxx i love you all loads x

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Luke's POV

I woke up and slowly opened my eyes , i still felt incredible guilty for yesterday, she didn't deserve to be treated like that , i was just completely stressed out and it all got a bit too much and i just moaned at her but i was too harsh.

I slowly get out of bed and get dressed then make my way down stairs. I pad into the kitchen and see Jake eating cereal and looking through his phone. 

" Hey mate , you alright ?" I ask and make a bowl of cereal then sit down next to him.

" No not really if I'm honest " he replies and puts his spoon down

" " why's that ?" i ask 

" guilt , i know she forgave me but she didn't do anything to me and i was a prat " he replies 

" i know the feeling well , but like you said she forgave us so we might as well just be happy but remember not to do it again " i smile 

" yah your right , so anyway what you getting Iz for her birthday " he asks , continuing to at his cereal

" I cant say mate , i want to but I'm not gonna because i just don't " i chuckle 

" that's absolutely fine "  he smiles and puts his bowl in the sink and the walks into the living room

" Jake I'm off , tell izzy i just went to town " i shout and walk outside and into my car , i haven't even got my licence but i do have a fake one. i know , its terrible.


I arrive at town and park up my car and head straight to the store i wanted to go , i want to do this so much but i don't know whether she'll like it or even if they'll give it to me by the day after tomorrow , i mean it is very short notice.


i finish in town and drive back home , i walk inside and into the kitchen to see Izzy cleaning the pots

" hey baby " i coo and she drops the plate in the sink

" don't do that Luke , I've had no one speak to me all morning  " she gasps and comes over to cuddle me 

" Why has no one talked to you " i frown 

" they all went out , I came down stairs and law told me you went out to town and then she said that niall was taking her out for lunch because that was part of her present from him " she replies 

" so what have you done , its half 11 now , what time did they leave " i ask

" they left 11 but law was upstairs getting ready and niall was playing xbox so i left them both alone and just cleaned the house " she smiles 

" i can tell , its looking good , oh and you know tomorrow , i was wondering if you wanted to go to my grandma's " i suggest and he face lights up.

" omg yeah !! i feel so bad for not meeting her so that would be great , and thank you , i used loads of cleaning products " she smiles proudly 

" good for you " i chuckle

" lets go watch some movies " she says and runs nto the living room and i chase her

" and cuddle !!" i shout and i hear her laugh and we both jump onto the sofa and begin to watch some tv.

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