Chapter One: Okay? Okay.

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(A tribute to John Green's characters in TFIOS, Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters.. ALL RIGHTS GO TO JOHN GREEN, JUST A FANFIC OF HAZEL AND GUS!!)

After I read AIA for like the billionth time, even though Gus and I don't like the author. We still read it.. Apparently Gus is making me a sequel.. Gus took me to a romantic dinner. "Gus what is all this for?" I asked. He just stared at me. "Why are you staring at me like that?" "Cause your beautiful, I've decided I'm going to stop denying myself the simple pleasure in life of looking at beautiful people." I smiled. "Sir, the champagne you requested. I believe it's called The Stars?" A waiter said come by holding a bottle of champagne. I looked at Gus curiously. "Thank you sir." Gus said smiling. The waiter poured the champagne in our glasses and put the bottle in a bucket. "You must come quickly I am tasting the stars." Gus said. The waiter smiled and left. "Okay Hazel Grace?" "Okay Gus." I said smiling and we took a sip of the champagne. "Gus.. This is the exact champagne we drank in Amsterdam." "I know.. I had it flown in for this special night." He said smiling with his crooked sexy smile. I smiled. "What's so special about tonight?" "Hazel Grace, I've been in love with you for quite some time. I remember meeting you in the literal heart of Jesus. We should warn him, but he wouldn't hear me cause we are in his heart. I'm in love with you.. I'm not in the business of denying myself the pleasure of saying true things. I know love is a shout into the void and oblivion is inevitable and as you put it we are all doomed and even Cleopatra and Aristotle will not be remembered let alone us.. But you gave me a infinity in a limited amount of days, and even though we are all doomed I want to spend the rest of my life with you Hazel Grace." He said. I was crying. "Hazel, I'm not gonna do he whole get-down-on-one-knee thing, because that's a cliche, and I'm in love with a girl who had such a cliche wish, so I'm just going to stand if that's alright with you." He said. I was confused. He stood up and took out a ring box and opened it to reveal a beautiful, diamond ring. I gasped. "I'm happy with my life choices, and I hope you are too. So, okay Hazel Grace?" He asked. "Okay Augustus." "Perhaps okay will be our always." He said slipping the diamond ring on my finger. I got up and he kissed me passionately. He kissed my left hand and I looked at the ring as I was crying. "Thank you Augustus Waters, I am so grateful for our little infinity." I said. He smiled, his real smile that was too big for his face. "You are most certainly welcome Hazel Grace. Because it's our little infinity. Okay." "Okay." I said. I smiled and kissed him. He paid for the meal and we went home and I was laughing at a joke he made. "Gus your a horrible driver." "Babe I know just, I'm trying. For you." "Ok Gus, ok. I love you." "I love you too Hazel Grace." He said kissing me gently. I smiled. I heard someone clear their throat. "Oh hi." I said pulling away smiling like crazy. "Hazel, sweetheart are you ok?" "Oh yeah I'm so ok. This is the most, okay and happiest I've ever been in my entire life." I said smiling and beaming with happiness. Gus smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Why are you so happy?" "Don't worry dad I didn't get a fake id and take pot." "You don't take pot Hazel." He said laughing. "I keep saying if you got me a fake id I would know these things." Augustus laughed. "Come here you." He said lifting me up and I wrapped my arms around him laughing. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. "Uh Hazel Grace?" "Yeah Gus?" "Your kinda hurting my leg." "Oh baby I'm sorry." I apologized jumping down. "Okay?" "Okay." He said smiling. "I'm definitely okay Hazel Grace.." He said flashing me his sexy smile. I smiled back and blushed. "Not that you two aren't usually adorable and so cute together.. What's going on?" My mom said. "Why thanks mom. It's nice to know someone thinks I'm adorable." "I think your adorable too." Gus said. "I know." I said smiling. He smiled. I put my left hand oh his neck and hugged him. "Uh Hazel what's on your hand there?" My dad said. "Oh yeah dad we have news." "Uh, Mr. Lancaster, the reason I didn't ask was cause I didn't want to waste another second being less happy then I am now, so with all due respect I just asked her, but I promise to love her with all my heart, between us we have four eyes, three and a half working lungs, and three legs, and that's all I need, cause the world is not a wish granting factory." Gus said, "good job pleading your case Gus but I'm just as guilty." I said. My mom looked excited. "Hey what's wrong mom?" "Is my baby engaged?" "Uh.." I said, Gus put his arm around my waist. "I need to sit down." My sucky lungs needed a break, with the stairs and just standing. I sat down and Gus sat next to me and my parents sat across from us. "So what's going on? What did you do to my daughter?!" My dad grilled Gus. "Sir I didn't do anything wrong I swear it would be a privilege to have my heart broken by Hazel. I would never hurt her. I love her." He said. I held his hand. "Ok. So what happened?" "From the beginning?" "Yes." "So I was reading AIA, and I got a text from Gus to meet me at this fancy restaurant and wear this dress." I said gesturing to my dress. They nodded as if they were following. "Well I got there and Gus helped me in and we sat down and Gus was staring at me. I asked why and he said." "Because your beautiful." He interrupted. "And I'm not in the business of denying myself the pleasure of looking at beautiful people." He added. They nodded both nervous but excited. "Well we had some wine in Amsterdam and Gus had it flown in tonight, I asked why and he said it was a special night. He then said he was in love with me and that we are all doomed as I put it in cancer support group, and that nobody would remember Cleopatra, or Aristotle let alone us, and that I gave him a infinity in a limited amount of days and that he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. He stood up since I thought getting down on one knee is a cliche, and he took out a ring and said." "Okay Hazel Grace?" "And I said okay. He said he was happy with his life choices. He put the ring on my finger and kissed me and paid for the meal and we came here as we were on the way I insulted his driving in a playful manner and we came in here.. So yeah we are engaged." I finished. My mom jumped up in excitement. "Gus I forgive you thank you for making Hazel happy." My dad said. "Of course sir." He said. My mom hugged me and was crying then hugged Gus when I said. "Mom.. Can you let go please." "I almost let the word fiancée slip earlier when we were talking.. Sorry." "Never be sorry for that." I said. He put his arm around me. I smiled. "Well we better go to bed. Have fun." My mom and dad said and went to their bedroom. "Let's go tell my parents and Isaac." He said. "Ok." He grabbed my hand. I smiled as he pulled me out the door. We went to Gus's house. "Hello Hazel." "Hi." I said hugging them. "Hey Gus." They said hugging him. "Hey." He said and then we went to their couch. "So we have news. It was harder to break to my parents." Gus's mom grabbed his dad's hand. "Uh guys we are engaged." I said. They smiled. "I knew.." His dad said. His Mom hugged us. "I didn't know." "Gus said he wanted to marry you a long time ago." He said. I looked to Gus. "I did Hazel Grace.. I wanted you to be my wife." "So I would be Hazel Grace Waters." I said, "if you wanna change your last name." He said. "Of course I do." I said. He smiled. "I love you Hazel Grace," he said kissing me. We went to Isaac and said. "Isaac, Hazel Grace and I got engaged." "Congrats.. Wish I was there to see it." "It was dark in there." "It's all dark to Isaac." Gus said. "Hey I'm right here." He said. We laughed. I kissed Hazel. "Just cause I can't see you doesn't mean I can't get a visual. Geez get a room. Based on the noises.. God you animals it's disgusting your disgusting." He said. I laughed. "Maybe we will get a room." Gus said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laughed. "What." "Gus just made a very interesting remark." I said. "Well we could." "Hmm your parents, Isaac." I said listing the reasons why not. "We get a hotel room." "That kinda sounds fun." I said. "Then let's go.." He said. "Bye Isaac." We said and went to a fancy hotel. "Ok mr. And mrs. Waters." The person at the front desk said and gave us our key. We went to our room. I wrapped my arms around him. "Remember. There's a circle labeled virgins, you are outside the circle labeled as 17 year old boys with one leg." I said referencing to the joke. "Haha." "Your hands are cold." "Not so cold as under oxygenated." I said. "Hazel Grace I love it when you talk medical to me." He said in a sexy voice. I laughed. We went to the bed and I took off his shirt by unbuttoning one by one. He smiled and ruffled my hair. I kissed him and he reminded me of his leg. He tried to take off my dress but pulled it over my head not meaning to and it got tangled in my canola. I giggled. "Gus it's stuck. I'm stuck I can't get out." I said my head stuck. He smiled. "One minute babe." He said. He pulled it down and I took the canola out and he took off my shirt completely. "Gus.. Gus I can't breathe." "Oh I'm sorry babe." He said and held me put in the canola. "Thanks." "Of course. Anything for you." He said. I smiled. I kissed him. "Your so beautiful." He whispered. I smiled.

-next day-

I was awake with Gus and he was stroking my cheek and arm. I had my hand on his chest. "I love you Gus." "I love you too Hazel Grace." He said kissing me. "I fell in love with you the way you fall asleep, slowly and then all at once." He said. "You could be a writer." "No way I'm a good person but a shitty writer, Van Houten is a shitty person but a good writer.. We'd make a good team." He said. I laughed. "God your sexy" he said smiling his sexy half smile. I smiled. "So are you." I said. He smiled. "Oh Hazel Grace, where should our honeymoon be?" "Hmm well we used our wishes.. Disneyland and Amsterdam." I said. "Babe do you regret Disneyland?" "I was 13 Gus. And I would never ever regret Amsterdam." "Van Houten was an asshole but we can deal with it.. Anne Frank House, then we 'looked around' and it was a real nice look around." He said smiling. "Yes it was." "Just to let you know, last night your like wow." "You were amazing Gus.. Really holding back before." I said smiling. "When we are married it will get better." "I don't know how but okay." "Let's get married.. Like Wednesday." "How are we supposed to plan our wedding in 2 days." "We can do it." "Ok Hazel Grace." "Ok." I said. I kissed him and he said. "Would it be ridiculous to make out right now?" "No it would not." I said smiling and climbed on top of him and made out with him. "Hazel Grace do you have a fetish for people with amputees?" "Well I fell for you didn't i.. But not cause I fell for your leg, I fell for you cause your sweet, and kind, and caring, and hot and not to mention incredibly sexy" I said. He smiled. "I fell for you for all those reasons too. Goddamn aren't you something." He said. I smiled. He kissed me and everything was perfect.

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