Chapter 1- The Tragedy

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Peter's P.O.V..


It was just like any other day.. Except for a couple things.. My Aunt May had a heart attack, or so they told me.. But I don't believe that.. And I now am an "orphan,"  I'm not feeling good at all right now, and I just feel like giving up.. It was almost like it was.. My fault.. But.. What could I of done to prevent all of this..?  I was sitting outside of my house on the curb, thinking.. And thinking.. But no other thoughts could pop into my head at the moment.

 That's when an officer came up to me, he was a big man, bald, and had a gray mustache.. But his uniform was.. Casual. "Hey Peter, Sorry bout' your Aunt May. Can't believe you're an orphan now!" I stopped and stared at him with a blank expression. Really? That was his conversation starter?? I simply replied with "Yeah.. I guess so.."  His expression became more.. Cold, towards me. "Kay kid.. Have fun."  was all he said, and after that, nothing.

 He left after a couple minutes of awkward silence, but I still didn't appreciate him doing that.. That night I still got to sleep in my room, but it was just, quiet.

 I missed my Aunt May tucking me in at night and saying goodnight.. Sadly.. I won't have that for a long time.. She was the closest person I had.. Gone... All gone... I sighed a long sigh, and then I went to sleep.. 

In the morning I woke up and slowly walked downstairs. I walked into the doorway and paced the halls frantically. That day, another officer said I needed to see an orphanage counselor..  And I didn't like that very much.. Apparently he was coming to my house, and I didn't know what to do as I waited. So, I went to go sit down but then unfortunately, heard a knock on my door. I sighed once more and opened the door.

 "Hi Peter! I am your counselor, y'know, the one who chooses where you go and if anyone chooses you, who gets to adopt you!" I face palmed and sighed. "So.. Am I staying here till someone does then?.." I asked him but he was just fiddling with paperwork..

  "Uhh no. You see.. You will be staying at one of our FIIIIIINEST orphanages tonight, that way we can see if anyone will drop by within 24 hours to pick you up. As, long as they are qualified at least. Heh heh." My stomach turned. Was he serious?! I don't wanna go into one of those places.. It looked like he was getting impatient, so I simply replied with "Mhm.. Okay."   "OH! It looks like I have a call from my company, one sec'." 

 I rolled my eyes. "OH! OKAY! K BYE." "EHEM, It looks like you have to go over to the orphanage now!!" I was filled with shock. "W-What?! Why?!"  I exclaimed as he was pulling me towards the car.

"Get in Peter! We have ta' go to the orphanage now! It's temporary too!" I got into the car because it was the only option I had. But man! I can't wait till I sneak out and fight crime though! I thought about who I should go after during the ride to the orphanage, and the thought of finding out who killed my Aunt May popped into mind.. I need to find that person.. "WE ARE HERE!"He said very loudly all of a sudden, " WHAT THE-" We were there.. At the orphanage.. Already...?

To be continued..  

(Chapters will be longer in the future.. This was a short introduction.) 

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