Coffee For The Win!

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"What the fuck! Why won't those two answer any of my texts!" Tapping his fingers against the counter, Kenny glared at the barista who in his opinion was taking too goddam long!

"Well, they just got back last night" Nick spoke up.

"Plus, Marty wouldn't be dumb enough to try anything when he knows he'll have to deal with a jet-lagged (t/n)" Matt added.

Turning to face the two brothers, Kenny paused holding back a shudder. -No doubt remembering the incident from last month; where his arm had gotten not so gently nipped at when he had woken up (t/n) when he had gotten a little too close to (Y/n) for the protective tortoise's liking.- With the Canadian then choosing not to say anything in response. Instead, he just shook his head before grabbing his order, heading outside. His attention now half on his cell, scrolling through his Twitter feed while he waited for his friends to catch up to him. Eyes narrowing when he read Tweet, after Tweet of fans speculating about the relationship status of a certain Villain, and the 'Kawaii Manager' of the Bullet Club.

~A quick fast forward to (Y/n)'s apartment~

Eyes still on his cell, Kenny rolled his eyes when no one answered when the Young Bucks had knocked. "You two do know I have a key right?" he questioned. "I mean, I'm usually here in Japan anyway, so who else could check up on that weird hydroponic lettuce she grows for (t/n) when she's gone?" Not waiting for an answer, Omega unlocked the door, heading inside. Passing by the couch that held half unpacked suitcases. -No doubt filled with presents since it was so close to Christmas- "Must have stayed on the futon" he mumbled under his breath. Heading into the bedroom, he was about to step around the before mentioned futon. When he noticed the bed only held (t/n) who had started to wake up from the noise.

"I know you're no doubt pissed off, Kenny. But even you've gotta admit this" Matt started to say, pointing at Marty and (Y/n) who were cuddled together on the futon. His arms wrapped protectively around her waist; while her head rested against his bare chest. "Is Madoka Magica levels of adorable. ...What?" the older Jackson questioned when he noticed the odd looks he was getting -Yes, that included a now awake (t/t)- "We all watched that anime during our last movie night, and we all know it is true."

'"Do you guys have to be so loud?" Yawning, (Y/n) half-heartedly glared at her friends. "There's like a nineteen-hour difference between here and Kauai, ya'know."

"Let's just ignore them for now" Marty suggested. Sending a discrete smirk to an internally fuming Kenny Omega; while he pulled a still half asleep (h/c)ette even closer against him.

In response, Kenny only smirked back, holding up the drink carrier. "I bought the new Christmas limited edition toasted white chocolate iced latte with tapioca." Grabbing the hand that suddenly shot up, he easily pulled (Y/n) to her feet, passing her the drink.

"Thanks, Ken-Cchi. I'll go get ready now, so we can go meet the others at the cafe."

"No problem." Waiting till their cute manager had closed the bathroom door, Kenny turned to glare at Marty. "What the hell was that about?" he whisper-yelled. -Both so (Y/n) wouldn't hear, and so they wouldn't re-awaken (t/n)- We both agreed that neither of us would make a move unless (Y/n) made the first one!"

"Don't be such a numpty, Omega." Standing up, the two had a staredown. "When I do make my move, you'll know. ...After all, who do you think first brought up the idea of me joining Bullet Club?" Right now it may only be platonic, but (Y/n)already loves me." Sniggering -in a rather villain like way- Marty pushed past the ever so slightly taller man, saying a quick hello to Nick and Matt on the way to grab his suitcase from the living room.


Author's note:

I just wanted to say a big thanks for the two votes, it means a lot.

Also, I wanted to get your guys opinions on something. Would anyone be interested in a preferences type of book with a bit of a twist? Like instead of having several types of character/reader-cchi's, it would be like one. ...If that makes any sense? Or do I sound like an absolute noob?

Either way, your opinions are greatly appreciated :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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