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A month had already passed and no signals of Charlie. My parents kept going to the Mill's house but, I didn't go with them. I didn't want to be with our parents and Charlie in the same room, without being able to talk about his night over.
So instead, I would go to the movie theater or the mall with my friends. Jessica and her boyfriend Jake.
Today I was carrying five shopping bags on each hand to my car. Jessica and Jake had to leave earlier since it was their anniversary, they had a date planned. So, I decided to go shopping for a little while. I threw everything on the back and started my car.

I guess my attempt to stay away from the house and the Mills, didn't work this time, their car was parked in front of my house. I opened the door and the familiar sound of laughter invaded me.

"Hi honey! How was the mall?" my mom asked with a margarita on her hand.
"Um, alright.  I bought things to decorate my room."
"That's nice. Come say hi to the Mills."

I walked behind her towards the kitchen and gave an awkward hi to everyone in the room, no signs of Charlie. Surprised but no disappointed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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