------- FIRST MEETING -------

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There was a late evening at one beautiful town. Peter was sitting up on the rooftops, patroling. He was wearing his spider-man suit of course. He was contentedly listening to the silence of this town wih smile on his lips.

But suddenly someone broke this silence. On the other rooftop were chasing two men. Or better, the one who was yelling at the other loudly as fuck was chasing. He was wearing a red spandex suit, had two guns and two swords on his back. Not really man to make fun of. Also, his mouth and language wasn't really decent. ,,You little motherfucker! C'mere or I'll fucking stab your motherfucking ass! Stop running or I'll- well, I think you better don't wanna know what I'll do to you!''. The anger was seen all over his harsh voice. Peter looked at him while tilting his head to the side ,,Wow...this guy is cool..'' While Peter said this, the red suited took his guns and got ready for pulling the triggers. ,,You were too slow you fucking shame!!'' Peter didn't wait for something. He fastly ran up to that man and held his arms back with the webs. The other man he trapped into webs too but onto ground. Peter held him back tightly, throwing away the guns ,,You crazy! Stop! You can't kill him!'' The red suited almost pushed him away growling but Peter crossed the man's arms into cross so he could not move. ,,Get the fuck down from me you motherfucking shame!!'' Peter held him even tighter, trying to calm him down ,,Hey hey... calm down you little psycho..it's okay ..'' The man widened his eyes hugly and his breath started to calm down. He was panting heavily, kinda enjoying the hug from that stranger.

Peter smiled, slowly letting go of him. ,,What is wrong with you, dude...?'' Spidey asked softly, tilting his head. The red suited shrugged, rolling his eyes playfully ,,Just solving an deal.'' he winked and smirked slightly. Peter's eyes opened widely by the man's vocabulary ,,You, oh .. eheheh.. got it.'' The man then laughed and held out his hand. ,,Deadpool or Mr. Pool, up to you how you like it more~'' Peter smiled and while blushing under his mask he shook his hand. ,,Nice to meet you, Pool. I am SpiderMan but Avengers call me just Spidey.'' Pool smiled cheekly, winking ,,I fucking appreciate to meet you too, Spidey~'' Peter giggled, grinning slightly ,,I see you're such a dirty mouthed guy, am I righrt?'' Pool smirked and nodded gently ,,Of course, you know. I like it dirty~'' Peter felt like his cheeks heated up with warmth. He looked down, staring up at Pool only with his eyes. ,,Heh, wow..surprising..'' he teased, crossing his arms. Pool smirked, resting his hands onto his own hips ,,Yeah, how else with me~'' Peter giggled and sighed ,,I am sorry Mr. Pool but I'll need to go now. I need to take this guy somewhere far away from you and then go back to my patrol.'' Pool shrugged, nodding and smirk stayed on his lips. ,,I understand you. It was nice to talk to you, wanna hang up sometimes?'' Peter smiled, taking out a marker what he had with him. ,,Gimme your hand, Pooley.'' Deadpool laughed softly and gave the hand to the boy how he was told to. ,,Here you go'' Peter said, while writting his phone number onto Pool's hand. Pool smiled brightly at his hand, putting back down the sleeve. ,,Thanks. I'm sure I will call you when I'll get time.'' Peter nodded, slowly walking to the man who was on the ground. ,,Alright, I'll be waiting Mr. Pool~'' he then jumped away from the rooftop, winking. Deadpool held onto his chest, sitting on the edge of the rooftop ,,Holy fuck..I think..He is amazing..'' While was Peter running home, he blushed thinking of Deadpool ,,Wow..he was really cool..I feel so..weird about him..so..nice..''.

To be continued~ ;))))

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