Voices in my head

16 3 0

The voices in my head taunt me
Make me look at me as if I am worthless
Not good enough for someone to like me or date me
The devil and angel sit on each side
Drawing me to the darkness or the light.
Everything is hanging on by little threads
Looking as if they are about to snap

The voices in my head
are the ones of the haters
the ones who judge me for who I am
without getting to know me
something that they should do

The voices in my head
Are the ones who can't lie to you
They make you see the truth
Something you are blinded by
They are words that make people choose between life and death.



This poem may be a bit sad and dark but there is an explanation. Lately hasn't been good be me and mainly these last few weeks I have been down and upset and this is how I let my emotion go.


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