Chapter 35

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Morning light came too soon, hitting Severus directly in the face causing  him to groan and  roll away from the intruding light. He rubbed his face as he tried to go back to sleep, though mother nature had other plans. He growled lowly, maybe if he was quick he could fall back asleep before the warmth left the bed. With a heavy sigh he pulled his body up onto his elbows, he wasn't a graceful waker but who really was?

He sighed once more as he shifted his legs over the side sitting himself up. As his legs went a bit lower he nearly jumped out of his skin. His foot fell on something very soft and warm. He jerked his foot back his eyes snapping open. Still out of focus, he tried to see just what his foot had landed on.

Leaning over carefully, a blanket slowly came into view. He paused curling his hand in his own comforter that was still very much on his bed. He blinked a few times before an intermittent purring met his ears.

Shocked was the understatement of the year as he realized just what, or rather who, was laying on the floor at the side of his bed. Though her head was completely covered by her rather impressive attempt at a forming butterfly he was easily able to identify that faint purr.

When, no more importantly, how had she come to his room without him even noticing? He wasn't a heavy sleeper, too many nights waiting for someone to come hex him in his bed had sought to that. His body gave a twinge of need halting his inner monologue.

Mindfully, he stepped over her tightly wrapped body. His needs then hers, it was only fair given he hadn't been expecting her presence in his room.

He shut the door to the bath casting a silencing charm as he moved to answer the call. It took very little time, dragging himself to the sink he washed his hands quickly. With a heavy yawn, he lowered the charm and opened the door. She hadn't moved an inch, it was a partial relief as his morning brain tried to decide just what on earth to do with her. It was way too early for civilized people to be up and about and his bed called loudly for him to return.

He stood for a few long seconds, the chill in the air was starting to wake him more than he cared, forcing him to move. He leaned down hoping that he picked her up on the proper orientation and laid her on his bed. There was a small wiggling when he pulled his arms back but the soft purring quickly returned. Satisfied, he moved to the far side crawling under the now cold blanket. It was a bit further from where he normally slept but he found he just didn't care. With more than a person's width between, he nestled back down slowly falling back asleep.


The sunlight was no kinder as it rose over the trees, luckily Severus' rooms faced the sunset but that didn't stop the force of light from increasing all around them. Severus grunted and pulled his pillow over his head, just five more minutes...

The girl next to him was completely shielded but was woken by something else entirely. He felt her body go a bit rigid before she quickly tried to untangle herself. Severus rolled lazily watching her emerge from her cocoon like some wild haired butterfly only found in the deepest jungles. She stood on shaking legs akin to a baby foul, stumbling forward towards the bathroom. He was just about to help when she caught herself on the doorframe. He blinked slowly as she disappeared into the room, the door didn't shut with enough force so he could still hear her fumbling towards her goal.

He flicked his hand quickly casting a silencing charm before sighing heavily as he realized his five minutes were about up. He rolled back onto his side away from the door. If she didn't come back in five more he would check on her.

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