Chapter 42

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Minerva looked up when the blanket on the lounge slowly lifted into the air. She lowered her reading glasses watching it follow its summons up the stairs before smirking knowingly. She said nothing, turning back to their notes. She would see herself out when she finished.

She had managed to understand most of what they were planning and it was starting to worry her more and more. She knew that they would need five people to create the protective circle Severus and she had discussed that morning but actually seeing what they were planning to do to extract the creature had left her more than on edge. Most of the equations went well over even her head, she'd only seen something as remotely complicated in the books in the headmaster's office, but she trusted both of them implicitly.

Minerva worried her lip with her finger as she set to work making copies of their notes, she had noticed that Hermione's normally neat and precise writing had taken on a sort of tilted appearance and she hadn't missed the similarity between it and the brooding man's. That was something else to worry about. If Draco had been correct something more was brewing under the surface and she doubted either of them were truly aware. She would leave that conversation to a much later date.

She lifted her head when the floor creaked over head and pushed herself up from her chair. She doubted very much that she'd see either of them anytime soon. Pursing her lips, she folded away her new information setting out to see to the task she was assigned. She gave one passing glance to the stairs as she passed.

Severus had managed to replace the sheets beneath the woman who watched him so intently from the bed. Her eyes were heavy but he was sure they wouldn't close until he returned to her side. He pulled out an older smaller button up from his closet knowing full well she would attempt to rise to stop him should he try to go her room to retrieve a proper set of clothes. Once in hand, he turned holding it up for her approval.

Hermione nodded meekly, she could see the rising tension in his body, she knew she was pushing him well beyond his comfort zone. Had she been able to move at all she would have helped him take her room, as it was, she could barely keep her eyes open. Her last ounce of strength had left her when she pleaded with him to stay. His response gave her the strength she had now, knowing full well the weight behind his promise.

She watched him return, her eyes following his hands as he tucked the shirt under her back. It was an odd sort of feeling like she was watching a movie of her own life. Her body tingled where ever he touched but her muscles refused to respond. The ache in her chest was thrumming in time with the beating of her heart and when he shifted her a dull pain shot all the way down to her toes. It was like stepping on a foot that had fallen asleep. Small pins and needles pricked over every moved muscle and she didn't even have the strength to hiss.

Severus pulled her arms through the oversized button up laying them gently near her side before he worked down the buttons. It was easy work. The hem met her mid thigh, and he pulled back using his wand to vanish the layers beneath. He watched her sigh deeply as the stained fabric left her skin. He turned his attention to her jeans, he knew he'd have to replace them as well. The blood had soaked through into her hips, he made a bit of a face as he decided the best course. He, of course, had his own sleeping pants but they would be just as over sized as the shirt. He looked down over her and decided not to risk her coming after him and with another wave vanished them away.

Hermione's toes attempted to curl as the cool evening air grazed over her legs but even that was impossible, she could feel the hem of his shirt touching the tip of her knees and didn't feel exposed or embarrassed. She let her eyes close trying to tell him she was okay with his decision.

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