The best partner (Otis x Olympia x Opposite Otis)

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Since "O is for opposite" ended with opposite Otis and ended without saying what happened, I decided to make up what happened. Hope you guys enjoy! Also this will include a love triangle between opposite Otis, Olympia and real Otis. I would tell you how that's going to work but then I would spoil it for you so that's all I'm sayin' .... *Closes my mouth tightly to avoid giving spoilers😣*

"That's enough pictures Olympia!" Ms O snapped and took the camera away from her after a while of Olympia taking pictures with opposite Otis.

"But Ms O we're having so much fun!" Olympia whined.

''Olympia I hate ruining your fun but don't forget that real me is stuck in this mirror!" Otis shouted from the mirror.

"But look at these awesome fun pictures I took with you- uh opposite you." Olympia chirped as she showed Otis the pictures.

Although opposite Otis was basically real Otis, Otis couldn't help but feel a little envious of opposite Otis, since it looked like his partner was having much more fun with his counterpart.

"Lets go to Potatoland partner!" opposite Otis said, taking her hand and tugging it so they can go.

Otis could've sworn that he saw Olympia blush.

''She's my partner!" Otis snapped, surprising Ms O and Oona.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Olympia said cheerfully.

"After that we could go to the park!"

"But the park has a lot of ducks you know?"

"I love ducks!" He replied.

Olympia's eyes knit together in confusion but quickly raised them back up once she understood why he said he liked ducks.

"Oh right. You like what real Otis hates."

"Well then, let's go!" Olympia cheered, opposite Otis smiling widely.

"What about Otis?" Oona asked.
"Don't you want real Otis back?"

Olympia looked at Otis.

"Otis please can we fix this later? Pretty please! I'm having so much fun with opposite you!'' She pleaded.

Although he disliked seeing them have so much fun together, he sighed.


"Woohoo! Thanks Otis!" She said and ran off with opposite Otis.

When they were gone, Otis said
"Maybe you guys should just leave me here."

"What?!" Ms O and Oona said in union shocked.

"Olympia is having so much fun with opposite me, they get along way better than we ever did.''

Oona and Ms O could sense sadness in his tone as he spoke.

"Otis-" Oona began, just to be cut off.

"It's the truth Oona, just let opposite me stay and keep me in this mirror. If my partner's happy, then that is all that matters to me." Otis said cutting Oona off, knowing she was going to say something to try to comfort him.

Oona and Ms O exchange glances, ones full of pity for their co-worker/agent. But they decide to not continue the topic.

A few hours later, Olympia and opposite Otis came back.

"Hey guys! We just came from Potatoland,'' Olympia said.

"Why are you wearing a crown?" Oona asked opposite Otis.

"I got to be king of Potatoland, it was awesome!" opposite Otis said.

" it time to switch them?" Olympia asked.

"No, I'm staying," Otis said.

"What? Why?" Olympia asked.

"You're better off with opposite me, he's a lot funner than me, he'll probably make a better partner anyway."

"Otis-" Olympia started but was cut off by opposite Otis.

"He's right. Imagine how much fun we can have."

Olympia looks at real Otis, before looking at Opposite Otis.

"Olympia, we can spread oddness, together." He said, taking her hand, making Otis feel a little jealous for some reason.

Oona and Ms O's eyes widened, forgetting that opposite Otis would mean oddness and if Olympia decided to join him that would mean a new enemy for Odd Squad.

"You're right." Olympia said smiling, shocking Ms O, Oona and even Otis.

Otis could feel his heart shatter.

"But how about lets eat some hotdogs to celebrate first?" Olympia said as she suddenly pulls a hotdog out of her pocket.

"Hotdogs?" opposite Otis repeated in disgust.

While real Otis loved hotdogs, he hated them. He backed away from the hotdog.

"Come on Otis take it." Olympia said, getting closer with the hotdog.

Otis backed away even more, getting closer and closer to the mirror until his hands touched it, switching him and real Otis.

"Got you." Olympia said with a faint smug.

"Care for a hotdog?" She asked and handed it to Otis.

"Wow.. I thought you were actually going to join him." Otis said, taking the hotdog.

Oona and Ms O left the mirror up carefully before taking it away.

"Of course not, then I wouldn't be able to be with the best partner anymore." Olympia said and took a bite from her hotdog.

She just smiles as Otis stares at her.

"Did you really think I would really accept you staying in that mirror? YOU'RE my partner!"

As grumpy and serious as her partner was, she absolutely loved everything about him. And no person could replace him, not even an opposite version of him.

"You really think I'm the best partner?" Otis asked.

"You bet! You gave me the best half-iversary gifts ever and helped me not give up when we couldn't solve our first case! We even have a secret handshake."

"That was an accident." Otis reminded her.

"No it was a sign that we're perfect partners." Olympia replied, before taking a bite into her hotdog.

"Olympia I like-" Otis blurted out without meaning to but is was too late to take it back.

"You like what?" Olympia asked.

"I like.. Hotdogs." Otis said, sighing as she continues to eat.

"Oh.. Me too."

"Okay, the truth is that's not what I wanted to say.. I actually like you and not just as a partner." He said and started feeling his face heat up after finishing his sentence.

Olympia stared at him wide-eyed her mouth wide open as well.

"You know nevermind." He said still blushing and was about to leave but she stopped him.

"I like you too Otis." She said and leaned in, causing them to share a quick peck.

Otis stood silent, shocked from what happened. Olympia smiled widely, because she kissed her partner, the best partner.

I'm sorry if I confused you by making a love triangle with opposite Otis since he is basically Otis but the idea of doing this seemed interesting so I did it.

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