Winter Wonderland

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Warnings: Boy x Boy, things get a little heated but not that much

The world outside looked like something from a picture book. The snow had started sometime last night or early this morning, enough time that when I woke up everything I could see was covered in snow. Even now, the snow continued to steadily fall. It truly looked like a winter wonderland.
  The soft buzz of the coffee machine came to a slow stop, the last drops of coffee falling into my cup. I took a small sip as I walked back into the living room, sitting down in the old couch by the window. I hadn't bothered to turn on the lights when I came downstairs this morning which left everything a soft dull color of what it usually flaunts. I turned on the TV, the volume still low from whoever had used it last the night before. The channel was on some boring TV show, talking about how the sister of the main character was sleeping with her ex, how betrayed the main girl felt, something like that. I honestly wasn't paying too much attention. I carefully watched the snow, the occasionally clump of snow falling from the trees out front. That's what I love about living out here, in the middle of the woods and miles away from the nearest neighbor or town. It's all so peaceful, completely undisturbed. Not a sound coming from inside or out. It was just perfect. The soft shuffling of feet from behind broke my gaze from the window. I turned to see Alex rubbing his eyes softly, trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes.
" Morning. How'd you sleep?" I asked, a smile creeping onto my face. Alex mumbled some incoherent sentence before continuing his shuffling into the kitchen. I shook my head as my smile grew. Alex was never a morning person, despite his energetic personality. I don't even think he could function without some form of coffee. Even though I had just gotten comfortable, I stood up to follow Alex into the kitchen. The buzz of the coffee machine filled the small room, as did the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I gathered the eggs and bread to make breakfast, relishing Alex's silent presence behind me. The smell of coffee disappears and is replaced by the smell of eggs and toast as the food begins to slowly cook. I was so focused on making sure the eggs didn't burn that I didn't even notice the soft padding of feet moving across the kitchen towards me until two long arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me against their chest. I hum softly as Alex pressed soft kisses on my shoulders up to my neck.
        " Unless you want your breakfast to be burnt, I suggest you stop," I grinned. I could feel Alex pout in the crook of my neck.
        " But I want my morning kiss." He whined, causing me to chuckle. I turned to face him, taking in his appearance. His messy brown hair was falling into his face and pointing in every which direction. He wore a small smile and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim light. I pull him down into a soft kiss. Even though it had been years since our first kiss, it always felt like it was the first time. Like nothing else mattered but us. He tasted of coffee and mint and even though his lips were chapped, I savored every moment. I pull away after a few seconds of kissing, causing Alex to chase my lips in a desperate attempt to keep them together. I turned back to the eggs, which were sizzling now. I careful put some eggs onto a plate and hand it to Alex. Alex flashed his bright smile before turning to grab a piece of toast.


" Hey babe! Where are my gloves?" Alex called out. It had been a while since breakfast and both of us had since gotten dressed for the day.
" Um, they should be in the closet. Why?" I asked, looking up from my book. Alex didn't answer, instead he decided to just continue his shuffling through the closet. I shook my head and started reading where I had left off.
Suddenly, my winter jacket was slung over my lap, along with my gloves and scarf. I looked up to see Alex looking down at me, his face mimicking a small child.
" What's this?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.
" Come on!"
" Where?"
" I want to go outside!"
I laugh. " Then go ahead!"
" But I want you to come with me!" I love when he gets like this. It's just too cute.
" I guess," I say while putting my book to the side. Alex's smile grew before he turned and rushed out the front door. I shake my head as I quickly shrug on my jacket. It isn't long until I follow him outside, the cold breeze filling my lungs. The snow had stopped by now but there was still inches of it on the ground .
" Alex?" I call out. No reply. I trudged along, following a set of footprints that Alex had left behind. " Alex?"
Still no reply
" Ale-" I started before feeling something hit my shoulder. I whipped around to see Alex holding a couple of snowballs, his right hand ready to throw the next. I quickly dive behind a nearby tree, the thud of the snowball hitting the tree made me giggle. I gather a hand full of snow and compact it into a neat snowball before peeking around the corner and tossing the snowball right at Alex. I could hear the snowball hitting him.
" Gotcha!" I shout before running to hide behind another tree.
He chuckled. " Come out, come out!"
Before I could comment back, he jumped out, and before I could dodge it, a snowball smacked me in the face.
I stumble back before finally falling into the snow.
" Christian? Are you okay?" Alex had suddenly appeared at my side, kneeling down beside me with his face twisted in concerned. " Did I hurt you? Christian, I'm so-"
" Babe, I'm fine. I'm okay." I cup his cheek gently before he took my hand into his. He wasn't looking me in the eye, probably afraid I was angry or upset. " Alex, look at me."
His eyes meet mine after a few seconds, blue eyes meeting my green ones. I lean in and kiss him softly, the kiss quickly turning passionate. His lips were cold and he now tasted of mid winter but I quickly lose my track of thought when he snakes his hands around my waist, pulling me into him until there was no space in between us. We pull away panting, trying to catch the breath we lost during the kiss. His hand is now cupping my face and he's leaning his forehead on mine. I felt a shiver pass through me which seemed to catch Alex's attention.
" Come on. Let's go inside." He whispered, carefully lifting me to my feet by my forearm. When we finally got inside we left our winter attire scattered by the door, abandoning it for now. Alex let out a huff as he flopped on the couch. He held out his arms, wanting me to crawl into them. When I didn't he looked at me strangely. " Babe?"
" I don't know, I mean, you did hit me in the face," I mused, trying to stifle a laugh.
" Babe!" Alex shouted, like a man being accused of something he didn't do and I can't hold my laughter then. I'm still laughing as I lay myself on his chest, listening to the faint thump of his heart. I feel him shake his head as he reaches for the blanket that I like to keep folded on the top of the couch unless it's being used. I snuggle into him as he places the blanket on both of us, wrapping one arm around my waist while the other one runs through my blond hair.
" I love you, Christian." Alex mumbles, sleep tugging at him already.
" I love you too." I reply before closing my eyes and letting myself fall into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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