*.·: Extras :·.*

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AHHHHH!! I honestly can't believe I finished writing this. It feels amazing! This story has grown soooo much since I first started writing it in 2014, and I'm so proud of myself for that.

This is the part where I should say a bunch of stuff about who knows what, but I just can't think of anything right now and I don't wanna bore anyone reading this. Also, I'm absolutely pooped.

So, thank you Dreamworks and Disney for inspiring me the way you did and for creating such wonderful characters. And thank YOU for all your support and love. Seriously. It's so, so incredibly encouraging to see.

Please feel free to kindly give me all the final criticisms your heart desires. I'd love to know what you all thought of this story! Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the rest of this extra content. ❤️❤️


✧ The prologue was hugely inspired by the Brother's Grimm original Rapunzel tale

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✧ The prologue was hugely inspired by the Brother's Grimm original Rapunzel tale. As you might have been able to tell. ;)

✧ I chose Rettersonne for Rapunzel's birth name because, in Germany, retter supposedly means saviour, and sonne, sun. AKA sun saviour. He-he.

✧ Liesa and Zacharia's original names were Lilianna and Zachari.

✧ In my version of the story, Corona is located in the Sargasso Sea. NOT in the Bermuda Triangle, though very close.

✧ When I originally published this, I managed to get to the Rettersonne house scene, where Liesa and Rapunzel escaped Pitch's attack and Rapunzel was captured (scene has changed now, as you've read). Only that and the story had 28 parts, each chapter sporting no more than 800 words. Just to show how much I stretched things out! And how important it is to let some stories incubate in your mind until you know it's the right time to write them.

✧ The Fernweh, (meaning "wanderlust" in German), was loosely based on the Rosalie, a ship that vanished without explanation in 1840. There were no Germans on board that I'm aware of.

✧ The ship pictured above is NOT the Rosalie. I could only find one picture of the ship but, to be quite frank, I didn't like it. This one looks pretty similar.

✧ Mim literally stands for Man in the Moon. I also didn't come up with it—it's on the ROTG wikia.

✧ At the time I'm posting this, what you've read is the third and final posting of this story. It is the second completed draft. Yay!

✧ The final word count of the completed draft 1 was precisely 36,918 words. Draft 2 bears a mighty 60,441 words.

 Draft 2 bears a mighty 60,441 words

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