Regular Day.

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Author's note: I re-typed this out so it could atleast be bearable to read, so if you're reading this again and realize there's a branch of improvement—Thank you. :) //

It's the second day during the killing game, your name is Hajime Hinata. During these two days, you feel some sort of connection between you and the SHSL

A stiff hard blanket, it definitely didn't feel like the comfortable type. It had small bear patterns throughout the entire blanket, it had a very childish feel to it because of the simplicity of the design. "Argh .." It was so cold, the blanket didn't even help warm your complex body up. You had wondered, 'Why am I here again?' Have you done something to deserve this absolute torture? You couldn't tell, you couldn't even remember the things you did before you were trapped in this "killing game."

You raised your body upwards and moved the side and left the bed, it was still shivering cold ndespite it being a beach. Hopefully it warms up soon like in those fairytales. A warm shower would feel so good right now, your body would beg for warmth. You'll get up from the bed and walk away from it, then going near the shower. You can't go in a shower with clothes, so you'll take them off easily. It wasn't relatively that hard. Your clothes would fall to the ground, they were very light so noise would be made. Stepping into the shower, you'll make sure to turn on the water and make sure it's at it's highest limit for hot.

After about 20-30 minutes, you'll leave the shower undressed. The blue monokuma towel would lay there next to untouched skin, you'll grab it and dry yourself with it. The dresser, your eyes instantly looked over there for some clothes. It was an absolute hell, there was no difference in the clothes. They were all arranged as if they've been copy and pasted multiple times. God! There was so many of them, such a basic style.

Once you had finished changing into the basic clothing Monokuma had given you, you went to feed your pet in the log. After that, you'll decide to pay a visit to Chiaki. You walked over to the lobby, and played some games. You both had a pretty good time. You had asked with a friendly tone, "Hey, Tomorrow lets play Super Mario Brothers!" Chiaki had a blank face, yet she seemed like she wanted to play. "Mhm." She nodded and eventually said goodbye to Nagito.

You went upstairs to see Nagito. You invited him to spend free time with you, you decide the suggest the beach to visit. Nagito smiles while saying "How can someone as worthless.. as me be invited to such of an event? I'm so relieved." You felt a little, angry against that statement and spoke. "You shouldn't think that, Nagito." A soft tone had came out of your mouth, "You're not worthless at all, to me you're special. Since you've been helping me and even woke me up from the little nap on the first day. You're the exact opposite of what you said." The white-haired male looked surprised and starts blushing hard. You start chuckling softly.

Nagito looks as you as the truth has been revealed. Nagito yells like an tsundere "H-Hey..!" You start both chatting about his delusions. Then you had to choose between two choices, "Lets take our clothes off." You say. A smile arose from your face upon saying that, "So you want to swim with me. I have no problem you wanting me to be naked." Nagito said, looking down at you.

Both of you had a great time, chatting along despite it only being two days. When both of you guys are laughing and talking about some dumb nonsense, Nagito did a flinch. It seemed as if a bug had bite him.  His body started shaking slightly, while his movements grew very slow as if his body was growing weak. He started to get pale then suggests to go back to our cottages. You'll ask in a much worried tone. "Hey can you walk alone... you don't seem .. alright?"  He replies with "Of course I can! I don't feel anything at all!" You ask "Are you lying?" He says "I would never lie, as I am Nagito the ultimate lucky student." Believing him, you'll head over to the cottages, leaving him alone.

Once arriving, you place your head against the pillow. You can't sleep without worrying so much, 'Is he really alright? Is he okay? What even bit him?' The morning had struck by the time you had thought of possible answers.

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