Despair Disease Strikes!

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[Re-did entire section!!]]

Start of a new day:

7:00 AM, it's time to get up and get ready again. Oh how time has gotten by so fast. I had got up and stretched so tiredly, everything was so normal 'till that part. I wonder what had happened. Your head would feel twisted and broken from trying to understand the situation. You didn't want to die Nagito to die from this cruel game, so you'll need to check up on him immediately. Nagito definitely got bit so hard to the point his body got numb.


I dumped my clothes in the dirty basket next to my bed. I brought a towel in the bathroom and folded it so when I get out I can step on the rug grab my towel and dry up. When I was in the shower I started thinking to myself,  "Was that bite an spider? Aag! It better not be a poisonous spider." I started thinking of all the things that could have numbed Nagito's foot last night. As I calmed down I maybe figured it probably was an seashell.

Nothing being too suspicious today right? :

Getting into the shower, you'll rinse your hair out and get relaxed from the warm water running down. You'll change into the same boring clothes, and then going to leave your little dorm—Making sure to lock it. Since you never know if you can blamed for the littlest things and dying. Nagito, nagito, your mind felt like it was owned by Nagito. It was so weird. You'll try to calm your mind and head over to the hotels, spotting Chiaki you'll say hi. Chiaki was so focused on a video game she didn't even noticed. When she died on the game, you'll repeat yourself. Chiaki asks in a confused voice "Oh! You were the one who said Hi to me, sorry. My apologies, I was too distracted aha." You had no other choices to say so you'll say, "It's fine."

We were playing Super Mario Bro's today. I think we both had a really good time with her. Upon leaving Chiaki, you'll hear this loud cry.  "Hiyoko? Mikan?" They were the first people you had thought about. You got up the stairs, checking to see what had happened. "Did someone die? Did someone get hurt?" Your thoughts had raced from the back of your heart. You'll see Akane there, she had been crying. 'Wait. Let me think that through again. Akane ... C r y i n g ??' You'll try to comfort her, even from this bizarre situation. "Akane! Get ahold of yourself!" You'll shout, making sure she can hear clearly. Just from you yelling louder, she cried even louder. "Maybe she's crying because of Nekomaru,, but wait--! She was way stronger yesterday, did it suddenly hit her??" Obviously, you didn't realize how severe the situation was. You turned your body to the other male in the room, who happened to be — Nagito Komeada, ultimate lucky student. You opened your mouth and let out a sigh before speaking, "Nagito, what happened??"

You had expected him to answer honestly, I mean — Why would he have to lie?? Nagito would start speaking about some dead bodies, it wasn't the right time to be talking about it. Obviously, you were extremely confused. 'Why was Nagito...?' A thought came back to your head. "Wha-" You had instantly got interrupted by a loud annoying yell. Hyoko had snapped, she had started yelling.  "THIS LIAR TOLD ME THAT MAIRHU WAS AT THE MUSIC VENUE!!!" She'll snarl. You would look back at Nagito, "Did you really say that??" His face grew paler by every second. "You couldn't have lied to Hiyoko, right?" You spoke with such a concerned tone, wondering what the hell is wrong with this guy. "Lie? That's outrageous I will never lie to you guys!" Too much was happening at the same time, and now Ibuki appears behind you?? What is genuinely happening?? You couldn't understand what she had spoke because of the loud talking from the other students. Ibuki had sounded a little — ... different though? Her eyes had swirled while the others also look at her, one of them had accidentally ordered her to do something and she immediately did that. "Doesn't she never listen to anyone?? That's weird." Your attention then finally circulates towards the familiar voice of the stupid bear, the one that put them all into this mess. Monokuma had suddenly been in the same room too, "Ohh noooo this is baaaad."

The rest of the class was on the other side of the room. Chiaki would turn her head a little, "Something happened to you guys?" You couldn't answer the question because you had rudely been interrupted again by Monokuma. The stupid bear would do an explanation of how the despair works, and what it can do. You started thinking "Doesn't Nagito like hope? Things aren't gonna get too good here." Sighing, you'll look towards Nagito — He honestly seemed so out of it. Monokuma will explain the effects on the disease, saying how they affected the infected ones.  "Akane has the coward disease and Ibuki had the gullible disease and Nagito had the lying disease. Also its very contagioooous!" After Monokuma has said his final word, Nagito had completely snapped. His face had been much more pale, he looked so drained.  "Whats the point now if we are living with hope if we are all going to die from this Despair Disease." Nagito had very dull eyes, they looked so sunken in. It was terrifying. "Despair, Despair, Despair, Despair, Despair!" He had went on about despair, he had acted like some sort of robot. "T-That's ... the.. o..only.. w..ay..." He had collapsed. "NAGITO!" You yelled, being so worried about his safety and the potential head injury he could've got from that.

After a couple of seconds Nagito's mouth foamed a purplish color, it obviously wasn't a normal color. They all had rushed to the hospital.

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