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- Laure's POV -

I knock on the door, nobody's answering. I suddenly hear the door get opened, a little kid shows up. Jeffrey is literally holding my hand really tight. He's as confused as I am.

"Bonjour, vous êtes qui?" (Hey, who are you?) That little kid asks.

He kind of looked like my father, same stupid green eyes. 

"Normalement, c'est ma maison." (Normally, this is my house.) I say.

"Ah bon? T'es qui toi?" (Really? Who are you?) An angry woman shows up.

"Je suis Laurette Augustin, je vivais dans cette maison." (I'm Laurette Augustin, I used to live in this house.) I mumble.

"C'est toi Laurette?! Oh mon dieu!" (You're Laurette?! Oh my God.) She says, surprised. "Entre ma chère." (Come in honey.)

I and Jeffrey get inside, he's so fucking confused. I really don't get what's going on as well. That woman suddenly disappears, that little kid is over here, playing with his toys.

"Quoi? Elle est là?" (What? She's here?) I hear my brother's voice.

It got way manlier now. 

"Laure, what the heck is happening?" Jeffrey asks.

"I'm clueless." I mumble. 

"Laure, what are you doing here?" My brother asks, yes, he speaks English, he's half american too. "And who's that?"

I can't answer, I suddenly can't find any words in my vocabulary. Jeffrey is looking at me. 

"She's here to clear up all what happened in the past. And I'm her fiancé." Jeffrey says, trying not to get angry.

"What Jeremie did? He already cleared all that shit." Robert says.

"Why the hell wasn't I even notified about that?" I ask, angry. No one ever told me about that.

"I'm clueless, dad didn't let me do it." He says, as if he was upset.

"Where's he?" I ask. 

"With mom." He says, looking at the ground.

"Mom's dead 2 years ago." I say.

"He died with Catherine in a car accident." He confesses.

"What?" I ask, tears streaming down my face.

"They both had high alcohol in their blood, and dad insisted to drive." He says, still upset. "That's why he didn't come to mom's funeral, he died 2 years before her."

"Why did we never know?" I ask

"Your mother did know. She didn't want you to know." That woman shows up.

"She knew about it? She's someone I haven't got a clue about their identity knows, while I don't. Am I really terrible?" I say, starting to cry.

"It's okay Laure." Jeffrey hugs me. 

"She's my fiancé." Robert holds her hand.

"Jeffrey, get me out of here." I say, really upset. 

This is a lot to handle.

Jeffrey holds my hand, we both stand up. We start walking towards the door, but someone stops me.

"Tu pars où?" (Where are you going?) That was this little figure, that little boy we saw 15 minutes ago.

"N'importe où, de quoi tu te mêles?" (Wherever I go, why do you care?) I snap at him. 

"N'essaye même pas de crier sur lui, il n'a rien fait." (Don't even try to shout at him, he's done nothing.) My brother says, angry. 

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