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"Morning Dad" I greet my dad as I enter the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Hey Jo, where you going" he asks while reading the news paper and flipping the pages.

"Oh Ky and I are going out" I say scavaging the cabinets looking for my honey and oats granola bar.

"Going to get more tattoos huh?" he asks

"pffftt...noooo....why would you say that?" I say nervously.

"Because the only time you and Kyle go out TOGETHER is when you guys want tattoos" he explains as he takes off his glasses and looks at me.

"I guess" I mumble as I stuff my face with food and a glass of milk.

"Whatever it's your body, anyway when you come back I need you to wash the car in the garage for me. I have to go to work, mom is going to visit her sister, and well Claire....she's lazy so you know she won't help, so have fun" he stands up and leaves the kitchen

"Ughhhh dad, are you kidding me?" I grunt and he shakes his head "whhhyyyyy?!?" and he laughs "I hate being the good one" I laugh and grab the car keys. "KYLE LET'S GO YOU DAMN TURTLE" I yell as I open the front door and he follows me to the car.

"You know I'll take that as a compliment because you clearly haven't seen teenage mutant ninja turtles" he puts his seatbelt on.

"How in the hell is that a compliment??? that means you think being called a slow animal that lives in a sewer with 4 others of it's kind and having a rat as your mentor is a compilment." I ask while driving down the road.

"Uhhhhh you forgot the fact that they have incredible delicious cheesy pizza" he points his finger up in the air as he rolls his eyes.

"WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW" I stop at the red light and look at him with disbelief "I think you need help" I laugh while pulling up to the tattoo shop. We got our tattoos and then went to McDonalds and then came back home, I parked the car in the drive way and turned off the car.

"Get out" I say to Kyle and he looks at me confused "What?" he asks as he sips his pineapple mango smoothie.

"Dad says I have to wash this car, so get out before I hose you down" I give an evil smirk and he runs into the house. I step outside the car and lock the doors, I fill a bucket up with water and soap and I begin washing the car. I get that weird feeling again, I feel as if someone is watching me; I look around the neighborhood and I see nothing, I look up at Pattie's house and I see someone disappear and the curtains drop. I drop everything and I run back into the house.

"Claire I need to talk to you" I barge into Claire's room panting as if I was a dog.

"Uhhh what's up?" she asks trying to hold in a laugh because of the way I entered her bedroom.

"Something really creepy has been happening ever since I got home for the summer" I explain to Claire and she just looks at me confused "Ever since I came home I feel like someone has been watching me, the first day I came out the taxi I felt someone was watching me, then after we invited Pattie for dinner I was getting ready for bed I looked out my window and someone was standing outside just staring at my window."

"Jo I think you're just being over dramatic" she says while looking in her closet for clothes.

"You're joking right?, I was washing the car for dad and I looked up at one of the windows at Pattie's house and a person just disappeared and the curtains dropped" I get up from the bed and walk towards Claire.

"If I didn't know better I'd say that Justin has been watching you" she says while putting both dresses up for me to choose which one was better.

"No way" I gasp as I pick out a dress out for Claire and I sit her on the bed.

New Neighbor *Being Edited*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang