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The alley was dark, and the concrete surrounding the young man was wet from the previous night’s rain. His combat boots sank against the damp ground loudly as he paced back and forth, shivering slightly from the autumn chill but hardly noticing.

Suddenly there was the clipped sound of approaching footsteps.

The man whirled around, ducking slightly near a dumpster. “A-alastar?”

There was a pause. “Nathan?”

The man straightened up, relief flooding his face as he waited for the newcomer to reach him.

“Jesus, Brannigan, what took you so long? I’ve been waiting since two.” His voice was overflowing in care and a strong New York accent.

“It took a lot to get out here, especially since you’re afraid of your own gang. And you know how my brother’s been lately; if he thought anything was… out of the ordinary, he’d be on me in a second.”

Nathan smirked, taking a step closer. “You know I ain’t afraid of my gang, they’re just… You know. They think I only see ya when we use the station.”

A pained look overcame Brannigan’s face at the mention of the station. His NYDP badge felt heavy and hot against his chest, and he was pulled back down to the meaning of the meeting. “That’s… uh, that’s why I asked to see you.”

Nathan’s smile faded a bit.

The smaller man hesitated a moment, then sighed. “Nathan, I’ve got bad news.”

“You’re broke.”

Brannigan frowned. “No, no, it’s more serious than that.” He inhaled. “Last week, a group of officers were caught shooting crap with some of your… friends down in Harlem.”

Nathan’s creased brow relaxed. “Well, that ain’t so bad. Not like it’s new or anythin’.”

“No, but Nathan, that’s just it. It’s the Department.”

The gambler’s heartbeat picked up. “What… what happened?”

Brannigan bit his lower lip unconsciously. Nathan smiled a bit when he saw it, despite the seriousness of the moment. “They’re… they’re cracking down on gambling. Strictly prohibited for all officers, punishable with prison and a fine. I can’t… I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Nathan looked at his shoes in shock.

“You know I can’t risk this job. I mean, I’ve got Martha to take care of, and Rory, and if… well, if I ever hear from Jane-”

“Jane?” Nathan spat the word out like a curse. “You said you gave up on that broad!”

“I have! I have, but what if the kid-”

“Oh, please, Alastar, the kid doesn’t know you exist!”

Brannigan glared up at him.

Nathan continued, more gently than before. “Alastar, if she wanted you to meet the kid, she woulda said something. Soon he’ll be outta her house, and then what’s your excuse gonna be?” He leaned down a bit to meet Brannigan’s downcast eyes. “Face it, Al, she’s over it.”

Brannigan looked away. “Maybe. Maybe not. But that doesn’t change the law. No more gambling.”

Nathan raised an eyebrow incredulously. “Al, you’ve been playing cards with me n’ the boys since your first job! You can’t let the Department ruin that!”

“The Department gives me my salary.”

“So you’ll give up your friends and your… and me for money and a new badge?”

Brannigan was silent.

Nathan smirked disbelievingly. “Fine. Fine, if that’s what… no. Fine.”

He started for the road, then paused, turning back, a look of disgust on his face. You know, Brannigan, I always thought you'd stand up for me if you could. I thought I would always be able to count on you. I thought you were...” He shook his head. “Forget it. Don't spend your paycheck all at once. See you around, buddy.”

With that, he turned and disappeared onto the sidewalk.

Brannigan watched him go, his cold stare slowly turning into a look of longing. “You… you can count on me, Nathan, I…” He trailed off. “Yeah. See you around.”

Brannigan, Hannigan, Some Strippers, Some Gangsters, and Then There's A ChurchWhere stories live. Discover now