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Zelgius exited his room, armor fully in place. He walked from the dorm hallway into the main lobby; his eyes scanning over the multitude of early rising heroes. Searching patiently for Kiran, but upon spotting her was distracted by a voice in front of him.

"Morning, Zelgius."

"Good morning, Ike."

He nodded politely, not at all taken aback by the mercenary's approach. He was now in charge of training Ike, upholding his promise to get along with him to Kiran. Not only that, but Ike had been exceptionally eager to learn from him, saying that he wanted to know everything Zelgius had been taught from Gawain. Under different circumstances, Zelgius mused, they could have been close friends. Perhaps, even as close as brothers.

"Are you busy right now? I can come back another time."

Upon hearing this, Zelgius removed his sights from Kiran and turned his attention to Ike steadily. No, his duty was to train and get along with Ike; he wouldn't just shrug it off. No matter how badly he needed to speak to Kiran, responsibilities come first.

"No, that's quite alright. I suppose you wish to train?" his intense gaze was met by Ike's confidently; Zelgius had never met another man so fearless, with the exception of Gawain himself.

Ike only nodded; he was not one to dwindle. Straight and to the point, which Zelgius appreciated.

"Very well, grab your training sword and meet me in the training area." Zelgius responded curtly, turning with a swish of his cape. He would have to find Kiran another time.


Hours of training seemed to pass by like mere moments. Ike was the most formidable of adversaries, meeting him swing for swing evenly. Others eventually joined in as well; Hector almost always wanted a piece of Zelgius. Then again, few men were confident enough to face him and his almighty armads.

They were also accompanied by Marth, who didn't really participate, but rather kept tabs on how things were going. Marth was most trusted and favorited by Kiran, and Zelgius could see why. He was very friendly and open, the type of guy you could trust with the darkest of secrets and still receive reassurance from.

Aside from being kind; Marth was also an unattached king, and extremely formidable fighter. Zelgius had seen him in battle enough times to know not to be fooled by that kind demeanor. He was incredibly quick on his feet; slicing his sword through enemies with lightening fast precision, killing them before they could even register he was moving.

There wasn't any doubt why Marth was so well respected by everyone here; even though the king would never claim to deserve any of it.

"Wanna join us, Marth?"

Zelgius was surprised by Ike's invitation, but he realized that Ike was itching for a good fight. Ike had definitely seen Marth's skills in action.


Marth looked over his shoulder timidly; Zelgius followed his gaze, realizing he was looking at Kiran. No doubt he was supposed to report to her after checking on them, surely he could spare some time for practice, however.

Zelgius kept his gaze locked on Kiran; feeling his lips pull into a tight frown. The tactician was with Robin and Alfonse. Robin had his hand on her shoulder, smiling at her, as she laughed at something one of them had said.

He let out a small sigh; cursing the feeling of jealousy that seemed to gnaw at him.

"Trust her, she would never hurt you like that." he hissed to himself.

"Alright, I'll join you." Marth finally responded, a warm smile crossing his features.

Ike tossed Marth a wooden practice sword and walked to the middle of the training arena, followed shortly by the young hero-king.

Zelgius suddenly felt a warm presence at his side, and was shocked to realize it was Kiran. How had she gotten here so quickly?

"I saw Marth walk up there and just had to watch; I think Ike bit off more than he can chew this time." she had a childish smile on her face, and Zelgius felt that twist in his gut yet again, returning his attention to the arena.

Once the battle had begun it was terribly one-sided. Zelgius watched in amazement as Ike swung whole-heartedly at Marth, but he couldn't seem to connect any of his attacks against the King. Marth pirouetted, parried, and dodged every attack Ike threw at him. Suddenly Marth's demeanor changed entirely, his eyebrows knit together and his eyes got a strange spark on them.

"He sees an opening." Zelgius breathed out, knowing that Ike had lost before it even happened. Kiran nodded in agreement.

With a lightening quickness no man should possess, Marth sliced upward along Ike's chest, knocking the mercenary off balance. Before Ike could even blink he was suddenly pelted with a multitude of quick and powerful jabs straight to his chest and gut. The mercenary fell back on his arse, the wind successfully knocked out of him.

"Damn." was his only response. He had lost within a minutes time.

Marth straightened his back and offered Ike his hand, helping the mercenary up.

"You're a great fighter, Ike." The king said, earning an incredulous look from the mercenary.

Then Zelgius heard the words he himself had told Ike time and time again.

"You need to learn not to rush in, judge your opponent first before attacking. A quicker opponent like myself requires a more defensive approach, I can dodge your heavy swings with ease."

"Mm." Ike responded, soaking in every bit of information he could from the young king.

"Perhaps I can come back again tomorrow once I have more free time, I would love to train with you. I can teach you what I once learned from my father." Marth wore a warm smile and bowed to the young mercenary.

"Uh, sure. That'd be great." Ike scratched the back of his head; taking in that Marth had been taught by his father, just as he had been taught by Gawain, "But you should ask Zelgius, he is the one in charge of training after all."

Marth perked up, turning to look at the general.

"Of course it's alright, Ike can use all the help he can get."

Zelgius couldn't help but chuckle when Ike glared at him as if to say "Wtf old man lets go right now."

Marth walked toward Zelgius and Kiran, bowing to both of them in greeting. The general thought it strange for a king to be bowing, but then again, Marth didn't really consider himself above anyone.

He watched as Marth addressed Kiran, talking animatedly about how everything was in order around the castle, and that all threats at the border had easily been driven off without casualties. Marth also informed her that he had found some book, the details of what it withheld he left out.

"Really?! You found it?!"

Kiran gasped excitedly and wrapped her arms around Marth's waist in a tight embrace; which Marth returned nervously. Zelgius felt his jaw clench automatically in annoyance, his stern green gaze boring into Marth's almost aggressively.

The young king almost immediately caught on, his pupils shrinking as his eyes widened in shock. "Don't touch her, got it." Marth conveyed with a slight nod and the crinkling of his brows.

Ever so gently he pushed Kiran away, chuckling nervously.

"Sorry, Kiran, I still have much to do so I must go. I do hope the book helps with our success in this war."

With that the king briskly walked away. Perhaps he wouldn't join them for training tomorrow after all.

"He seemed oddly nervous." Kiran spoke, her eyebrows knit together in confusion, "Maybe he's ti-"

Her voice cut off as her gaze met her general's, his impatience and annoyance with her blatantly obvious.

"Kiran come with me. We have much to discuss."

The general walked away, not even waiting for her response.

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