Chapter 5

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"It's you!" Neymar said in excitement as I looked up.

"It's you!" I replied, giving him a warm hug.

I could feel Oscar walking towards us. And eventhough he isn't speaking, I know that he's confused when he saw us.

"Can you explain what's going on?" Oscar said, scratching his head.

Neymar and I laughed as we looked at his epic, confused face.

"After Zac left me, Neymar found me. He cheered me up. He was a stranger at first but then he revealed his real identity to me," I said.

Neymar just nodded, agreeing to every sentence I said.

"And you guy are like dating?" Oscar asked.

"What? No! We're just friends!" I laughed. Neymar laughed too. But I guess he sucked at lying too so he couldn't hide it from me that he's faking a laugh. I had my breakfast as Neymar, Oscar and Jerich watched TV. Soon, papa gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving for work. The boys were just happily watching TV when Oscar decided to go to the mall. He invited me to tag along but I didn't want to. Maybe I'll just call Sarah to come along? She could keep me entertained.

Soon, the boys were out of my sight. I called Sarah and she said she'll be there soon. I sat on the couch and watched my favourite childhood show, Tom & Jerry. Before I could get comfortable, the doorbell rang.

The Sarah I know never gets ready in time. If I call her up to hang out or something, it'll take her an hour to arrive. She spends more time in her bedroom, getting ready. Without wasting any time, I stood up and opened the door.

Instead of looking at Sarah at the front door, Zac's face was infront of me. I gasped and move a few steps backwards before being pulled by him. He pulled my head closer to him as he kissed me. I never thought I wouldn't ever have any affection for him anymore. Nope, just lying. Of course I still have a little.

But the kiss felt different. I remembered liking it every time we kissed but then now, despite the fact that I didn't liked it, I pushed him away.

"What the hell?" I said.

Not only that I've rejected the kiss, I've also wiped my mouth. I was trying to show him my 'rude' and 'aggresive' side.

He placed both hands on my shoulders and stared me deep in the eye.

His sparkling blue eyes brought back  million of memories that I never wanted to remember. Like those memories when we were on a date. He would always reply me with, 'Fantastic' whenever I asked him if I looked okay. We would share secrets, jokes and the sadness we have. I remember a time when I told him that Hannah, the biggest diva in University called me 'ugly'. Zac then started to cheer me up by lecturing me. I barely remember what he said exactly but I remembered him saying,

'You're beautiful.'

'Haters gonna' hate.'

'I love you.'

And I can also remember the both of us wrapping our pinky finger with each other, promising to love each other forever.

Or maybe the 'forever' couldn't last.

"Please let me explain," he said.

I let out a sigh and nodded, trying to hold back my tears as he went on about what happened yesterday.

"I was too angry that you were breaking up with me so the words just blurted out. I didn't mean anything. I love you. I promise," he said.

And I knew that whenever he said 'promise' , he really meant what he said.

The feeling of hate, as well as love, formed up in me. I hated how things happened yesterday. My heart still ached and I had enough of cutting my wrist last night. I did this all because I love him. I really did. And the reason why I rejected his kiss was because I hated him. It makes no sense but I love and hate him at the same time.

"If you mean what you said, you wouldn't have let me run away," I rolled my eyes.

"I swear I looked for you all night. Where were you? I called Oscar up and told him everything but he said you weren't at home. I was worried sick, Kayla. Where have you been?" he asked.

After a brilliant match, I got dumped. And after being dumped, I met my favourite soccer player, which now is my friend. And guess what? All of this happened on my birthday.

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