Chpater 15

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Back at the house
Jack's POV
Jo: Hey, where did you guys go?
Me: What do you mean?
*He held up his phone*
Me: We just hung out, are the others awake?
Jo: Nope
Me: Really?
Jo: Yeah, more tired than usual ig
Me: Ok
*We went back upstairs to our room*
Me : Can you set it up? I'm gonna clean up the stuff and get some other stuff
*He nodded and started to set up the game. I got the things that I hid in the bathroom and threw them away. If we were to wash it the others were bound to see.*
*I went to the closet and got one of the boxes of cheez its. Zach had them all over the house.*
Z: Are those my cheez its?
Me: Yup
Z: How did you-
J: Cause you're you😂 I know where your hiding places😂
*Zach laughed and I went over and sat next to him. We played duos but he played on his computer while I played on the Xbox. Every once and a while though we would take turns.*
*He seemed to be ok. He seemed happy. He was having fun. And I haven't seen him like this in forever. When we started the tour he was fine. It wasn't until I started to date Gabbie when he acted differently. More differently than usual at least. Cause when I first met him we got along just as amazing as we are rn. In January though he became a little distant, but ONLY with me. When I started dating Gabbie he always seemed depressed. Then when he turned 17 I remember before going on stage at our show he was freaking out and crying. I didn't think much of it though. I did ask him what was wrong, but all he told me was that he didn't feel well and was overwhelmed. He seemed even more depressed after his birthday.*
*I should've known that my best friend was going through something. I don't know what it is cause he won't tell me, but Ik it's something that's really really affecting him. I should've talked to him more so I could help and maybe he wouldn't have started cutting. I should've been there when he might've needed me. He seems ok now, but Ik that there's still something on his mind. Something he won't tell me, something he can't tell me. I understand that whatever he's going through must be hard. But what makes him want to cut himself? What made him think he's going to hell?*
*Zach's my best friend. I don't want to see him like this. I need to talk to him, and soon. We're gonna be doing more shows after Jonah's birthday. Which is tomorrow. Then once that's over we're going to Asia. I need to talk to him before we head back on the road. I want him to be happy this time.*
*I don't want to see him hurt*
*Cause I love him..........*
-500 words. Also, NEARLY 800 FREAKING READS WTF. The day after I did chapter 14 is went up a hundred. And today it went up 30 in an hour. WTF. Like, thank you so much for ready my story. It means the world to me.♥️♥️♥️

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