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Ah yes, rules. Everybody hates them appearently, and then completely breaks them later. It is neccessary to read each rule completely, as some things will have changed from my last roleplay book, changes that will be very evident the moment you begin the roleplay. There will be two passwords in this chapter; one password will be hidden among the rules, the other is a sample of your writing. The writing does not need to be foror from any specific character or setting, just write what you might respond with in a roleplay. If it is too short, lazily-written, or is unreadable, I will tell you to redo it and not accept your form until you do so. remember, each rule is important, even if you don't think you will break them!


I do not mind swearing in the least bit, and you can curse as mcuh as your heart desires. But, I will ask that you censor it in some way, such as f***, sh**, or any form you find the easiest. I have heard of books being taken down for excessive swearing, and I would prefer that it did not happen to this one.


The length of your replies should be at least 8-10 sentences long, around two paragraphs. I would like this to be descriptive, so you should even have more than the bare minimum, most of the time at least. I will not stand for one-sentence replies, not even once, as I will immediately redirect you to this chapter, as it is obvious you didn't read it. I will be very picky with this as well, so I most-likely will not be counting "She smiled" as one sentence, even if it technically is. Put effort into your replies!


I do have a life outside of Wattpad and technology, believe it or not, so there are times when I won't be able to respond for many hours. To make sure I do not get relentlessly tagged during school and work, you may tag me once every day. After the second day, you may tag me every hour, unless I make a new chapter explaining I will be on hiatus, or if I tell you I will not be able to respond. If you tag me every couple of hours on the first day, I will make sure NOT to respond to your roleplay anytime soon, and you will probably be the last person I respond to.


I will not be roleplaying with any extremely depressing/suicidal characters. Your character having depression or being suicidal is acceptable, but I will warn you that if your character tries to kill themselves every five minutes and constantly overreacting with every little thing my character may say to give the roleplay heaps of drama, I will no longer roleplay with you. And if I do, do not expect my character to constantly be saving your character from death every hour. Multiple people have learned this the hard way when the roleplay ended after their character died and mine was not able to save them.


You can have as many roleplays as you would like, but I would suggest keeping up with them. If you no longer want to roleplay, tell me to make everything easier and I will delete the chain. Every time you start a new roleplay with a new character, you must wait for your new form to be accepted before the roleplay commences. The password is your favorite song at the moment.


I will delete a chain after 2 months of no response, unless you tell me otherwise. Two months is plenty of time to tell me to delete the chain or tell me that you will be gone for a while.


Don't try to control my characters. That should go without saying, but I would like to reiterate the fact that I will not roleplay with somebody that continues to control my characters.


This is more of a warning than a rule. Most of my roleplays may contain many adult topics such as rape, parental abuse, overdosing, serious mental disorders, death, murder, and the like. If you do not want this in our roleplay, please tell me beforehand.

**Have Fun!**

This is a roleplay book, you're supposed to have fun! I want this to be a descriptive, enjoyable roleplay for both of us, and if you are no longer having fun, please let me know!

That should be all for now. If I need to add any more rules, I will post a chapter telling you to check the rulebook for changes. Follow the rules and this should be a good time!

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