The Ex-Doctor [0/5]

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»❝I love to see them struggle!❞«



The young male looks up at you from his gaze set at the table below, the glare of his wire-framed glasses nearly shielding his eyes entirely. A small, cheerful smile sat atop his face, obviously happy to have somebody interested in him. "Cyrus Price, it was the name of my grandfather as well," The male said.


"Nobody really gives me nicknames..." Cyrus said, a flicker of a frown crossing his lips for a moment, but was quickly hidden beneath his smile once more. "But, my patients called me Dr. Price when I was working, if that counts for anything," He replied.


Cyrus didn't reply for a moment, remaining silent and still, listening to something. After a few seconds, he seemed to come back to reality as he blinked, shook his head, before answering. "Some people call me a human, others call me a devil. I'd like to think of myself as an angel," He said with a smile.



"Years don't matter out here," Cyrus replied simply, taking a glance around at the small room that seemed to be in a state of disrepair, paint peeling off the walls and floorboards broken and cracked. "I think I'm around 24, though I'm not sure," He said.



"A...strange question to ask, don't you think?" Cyrus said, staring at you with his usual cheerful smile, widening slightly at your lack of response. "I'm male, since you asked."


"Canadian from what I remember," Cyrus replied, not quite sure of the answer himself. "I remember moving to America at some point, but even that is hazy," He added.


"Caucasian," Cyrus responds simply, a slightly confused expression crossing his face at the question, as he expected the answer to be obvious by his appearance alone.



"Oh, I like these questions!" Cyrus said cheerfully, liking this question more than the ones prior. "Well, I liked being a doctor and a therapist, but my family forced me to quit after the incident. I love animals too, especially fluffy little bunnies! Have you ever seen a red bunny before?" Cyrus suddenly asked, seemingly going off-topic completely.


"Being forced to quit by everyone! It's not fair! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" Cyrus suddenly shrieked at this with enough anger and venom in his voice to last years. After a moment, this seemed to disappear completely, replaced by his smile once again. "I'm not a big fan of children, they scream too much, and cry as well. I don't really like dogs either, they bite me a lot." He added calmly as if he wasn't just shrieking a moment before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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