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I haven't slept in days. Everytime I close my eyes images of my classmates flash before them, dead and alive. I can't control the constant trembling of my hands or the small whimpers that escape me whenever I hear something. I have never known fear like this. Never once thought another human could be capable of creating it.

He only appears for a minute a day, to place a tray of food on my bed. I'm wound as tight as a cord whenever I see him, my senses are on high alert. It's exhausting, having to wonder what this man could do to me at any given second. He hasn't spoken a word to me, hasn't even glanced in my direction since the day of my arrival. I'm beginning to ponder if he was planning on leaving me here to rot. But today he didn't follow his usual routine.

Instead, when I awoke from a restless episode of sleep, he was sat in the red armchair beside the bed, his knees touched the mattress. He didn't have any food with him.

Immediately I sat up, scooting to the far side of the bed. He didn't make a move, just watched me with those dark eyes. My heart was hammering against my ribs.

I watched him as he watched me, almost as if he was waiting for something to happen. Ever so slowly he rose from the chair, eyes never leaving mine. I could feel tears beginning to pool as his left knee rested on the mattress. I leant back as far as I could without falling off the small bed.

He was crawling toward me now and my breathing was erratic as I moved to swing my legs over the edge of the bed. But, in a jerk of movement that made me scream, he looped his arm around my leg and yanked me back.

He was on top of me in a flash, straddling my hips. My hands shook as I tried to fight him off but it was no use. He wasn't budging. "Good morning," he whispered, nudging his nose into my neck when I turned my face away. Strangled cries answered him. "How are you enjoying your stay?"

"Get. Off. Me." I said between shoves and punches, which he effortlessly evaded. He only came closer, pinning my hands to the bed. I didn't like it, I didn't like the way he made me feel so imprisoned. My heart itches to be free.

He sniffed my hair, making me recoil in disgust. I had used the shower when I was certain he wouldn't walk in, the bathroom door didn't have a lock.

"You smell so good," He mumbled, almost to himself. "God, I could be around you all day."

His hands slid leisurely down my arms to grip my waist. My body shook and I could no longer suck in a full breath of air.

"What do you want from me?" I wailed, his hands tightened on my waist and I whimpered. Mine shot to remove his, to pry his fingers off, but it was like trying to move steel.

"I already told you," He hissed, his face hovered directly above mine. The look in his eyes scared me the most, emotions of anger, lust, and need swirled in them. "I want you."

"W-why?" My voice was barely over a whisper. My nails dug into the backs of his hands but they still didn't move. Neither did his legs, which pinned mine to the bed. My tone turned angry and I spat, "Why didn't you kill me like you killed all those other kids?"

Lightening fast, his hands gripped mine and forced them over my head, legs moving beneath mine so they were on either side of his hips. I was completely open to him. I screamed and writhed but it did nothing.

"From the moment I saw you I knew I had to have you." He drawled, his nose tracing my cheekbone. My breaths shook.

"I wanted to take and take and take," He nudged my head up, exposing my neck to him. I'm shivering but I can't move. I can't do anything. "The innocence I saw in your eyes. The pure fear. I wanted it for myself."

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