June 13, 2018

20 2 0

"What is your why?"

Earlier this year I made this dumb Pinterest board where I would store a bunch of quotes to inspire me to be a better person in 2018. I've looked at this board like twice, not going to lie. I got very bored of this quotes very quickly as my style progressively changed.

I always want to write in this but I either lack of inspiration or just don't really feel like I can truly publish the words I truly want to say. I am a young, American conservative. My audience is primarily my friends (I lost all my clout, darn!) who don't typically enjoy listening to me go on and on about these kinds of things, which is what I so want to write about. My friends absolutely hate politics for the most part, but for some reason I just can't seem to get my nose out of it. For the last year or so I've been very open on my views if you really wanted to know them. For some reason these are the things I've wanted to write about and discuss, however I don't have that much of an audience really. I founded this whole diary writing about things such as my favorite music and what my day consisted of, then I grew up and realized that maybe my daily life isn't something I really want to share with the whole internet anymore. I've gotten a little more private in terms of Wattpad. I still love music and would be more than happy to bring back my monthly playlists, however I don't know if I write enough or have that large enough of an audience to put it together, you know? Anyways, my point is that I'm more in a place where I want to write about stuff that matters in my opinion. Things that affect America, things that affect the world. Things that I don't feel like publishing and putting myself in a place where hate and arguing comments is a potential outcome. I'm not afraid or ashamed, I'm just not seeing that as being worth it because that's not what I want to promote.

This past school year I took a government class and it was high on my list of favorite classes just because I enjoyed all the discussions and such. It made me more vocal about my opinions than I was before. It also made me appreciate America more and fight for it more. You wouldn't believe the people who sit there and say they hate America. Grinds my gears, I'm not even sorry about that.

I've just been in this very political blogging mood lately and I just don't necessarily want to put that kind of thing out in this book. Who knows maybe I'll make my own little journal for that kind of writing where my friends don't have to read that in hopes of just reading about my life. That's the place my mind has been. Thank you for not totally hating me for not posting in this enough. I just wanted to let you few know what's up and that I'm doing perfectly fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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