chapter one : moving

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kylee's point of view :

i hear a buzz and i jump slightly at the stupid noise that my phone makes whenever i get a text from anyone. it's the sound of my best friend screeching and she insisted that i make it my ring tone so that i am always reminded of her. what a way to be awaken from my drifting off on the couch.

colby brock
Hey how are you doing? Let me know if you want me to drive down there and help with anything 🤠

i quickly type my reply as i rub my eyes , trying to wake myself up.

" dude two hours away ? i couldn't ask you to do that. besides, i'll be there tomorrow. not too much left to pack. i can't wait to see you! i miss you:( "

i hit send and toss my phone on the couch. glancing at the clock, i notice that it's 11:23 pm. i had fallen asleep while packing my most important belongings into a few boxes. i decide that i'm going to write in my journal a bit. my phone buzzes and screeches at me once more.

colby brock
I miss you more bro. You better hurry up when you drive down tomorrow. I showed all the roommates a picture of you and they are so excited to meet you.. Sam wants to get to know you more! Sleep well and text me when you're on your way

i smile at the reply and put my phone down, walking to a mirror nearby, pulling the hair tie off my wrist and messily throwing my hair into a bun. sitting down, i take a deep breath and open my small journal that has the words "always dreaming" on the front cover. the words are in a shiny gold and the rest of the book is dark purple, my favorite color. my mother decided last year, just before i moved in my apartment, that i should write down my thoughts and that it would help me express myself more. "it will be good for you! i think you should use it" i remember her saying as she held out the brand new journal in front of my face. funny to see now that she was right. aren't moms always right.. ? i find the first blank page in the middle of my journal and draw a small flower in blue ink at the corner to make sure my pen is working. i begin to write on the first line.

   future kylee,
today is june 3rd , the beginning of my summer and the end of my career as a piano teacher. at the moment, i am trying to convince myself to finish packing my boxes because tomorrow is the big day. i move to los angeles, staying with my friend colby until i can find my own place to live. i will miss my best friend violet so much and i want to pack her in my boxes along with the rest of my belongings. sadly, i can't do that. at least i have the screech to remind me of her every time i get any text. ha. she's still mad at me for deciding to move, but she's understands that it's for the better. i need to find motivation, i need to find a passion.. something that i want to do with my life. i'm sick of being stuck as a boring piano teacher. don't get me wrong, i love the piano buuuut it's not something that i want to teach for the rest of my life. i've been teaching people from all ages for the past two years, since i was a senior in high school. i am almost nineteen now and colby says that him and his roommates, whom i am extremely nervous to meet, are excited to help me find a passion in l.a. apparently there is only one other girl in the house, named devyn. but sam's girlfriend.. kayla is it ? shit. i don't remember her name, but apparently she's also at the house a lot. speaking of sam, colby introduced me to him when we were all hanging out last year at a twenty one pilots concert that i drove down to l.a. for and i was so awkward. woo, can't wait to embarrass myself again. i'm gonna go finish packing my shit now.
    -present day kylee

i slam my book closed and stretch, before standing up. i check the time once more and see that it is 11:59 pm. i pack the rest of my essentials as quickly as possible before throwing myself under the black and white covers on my bed , still wearing the sweats i have been wearing for most of the day, and drift off to sleep.

i jolt upwards in my bed so that i am sitting up. great. i forgot to turn off my ringer before i fell asleep. i click the button on my phone to reveal my lock screen, informing me that it is 7:56 am. ugh. i am NOT a morning person. i check my text anyways and see that it is from colby, once again. i open the messages to find four pictures, three guys and a girl. colby tells me that their names are first corey, then aaron, then jake, then devyn. they are all so attractive. damn, how could a group of people be so aesthetically pleasing to look at. i realize that i have no clue who these people are.

" um , thanks for the pictures of some uh. people. but who exactly are they ? "

i press send and almost immediately get a reply.

colby brock
Your temporary roommates when you get here 😁

i blink a couple times to make sure i am reading this right. i look back at the pictures, surprised that colby has such a beautiful group of friends. but i mean.. how would a boy like colby NOT have beautiful friends. the third picture catches my eye.

it is of a unique boy with brown eyes and blue hair. he has a huge smile on his face and dimples that are extremely evident. i notice that he also wears a nose ring. i shake my head, trying to bring myself out of this trance. i guess you can say that i feel a bit creepy staring at a picture of a boy who i've never even met. my stomach spins at the thought of meeting face to face with him, as i remember my awkwardness. i scroll down to look again at what his name was. jake. good to know, i guess.

i decide to reply to colby.

" oh okay! thanks for sharing😂 i'm about to pack my boxes into my car and be on my way! i'll see you in a couple hours. "

after sending my message , i do just as i told colby, adding a few extra steps. i change into some ripped jeans and leave my sweatshirt on. i straighten my hair, brush my teeth, put on some light makeup and then i grab a couple boxes, and attempt to push my front door open, dropping some boxes in the process. why do i have to be so clumsy ?

when i get to the parking lot of my apartment complex, i put my things in the trunk of my matte black painted sports-looking car. i close the trunk and walk quickly over to violet's apartment, which is two away from mine. i knock loudly on the door and she opens it, wearing her signature adidas sweatpants and the exact five seconds of summer sweatshirt that i have been wearing since the night before. man, we are so obsessed. violet doesn't say anything. she just hugs me for a good two minutes. we both cry in silence and then she walks me to my apartment and helps me bring the remaining boxes to my car. i return my apartment key to the grouchy old lady named susie at the front desk of the lobby, glad it is the last time i have to see her. she scowls at me. i return to violet who is waiting by my car to say her last goodbyes. she shoots me a sad smile and hugs me one last time. "i love you so much kylee, you don't even know. stay safe in l.a., hang out with me as soon as possible, and don't let colby steal your heart" she jokes. "violet. you know me and colby are strictly FRIENDS." i glare at her and giggle, as i step into my car and start the engine. i assure her that i'll see her soon and blow her a kiss as i start my journey to los angeles, blasting five seconds of summer's new album through the speakers in the process.

thoughts // jake webberWhere stories live. Discover now