chapter three : closer

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( a/n :
GUYS i met jake at vidcon and the picture above is me! i cried a lot i can't even explain okay )

kylee's point of view :

i slowly open my eyes, waking up and stretching. at first i don't recognize the room but then i remember that i'm in los angeles and jake let me sleep in his bed. i can't help but smile. i check the time on my phone and it reads 5:34 am. damn, it's early but i'm definitely wide awake. i didn't wake up even once during the night. i decide that i'll lay in bed for a little while longer, and i check my notifications. one particular instagram notification stands out to me, from 2:46 am.

@jakewebber9 followed you.

i start to grin and stalk his instagram a bit, being extremely careful not to accidentally like any old pictures. he really is EXTREMELY attractive. how did he even find my instagram ? i decide to stop questioning it and just follow him back. i realize that i should stop stalking him and shut my phone off. i roll out of bed and head to the closet, grabbing a pair of ripped light wash jeans and a black t-shirt that has a rose design on a small pocket. i change and put on some white converse. i brush my teeth, put my hair up, then decide to tidy jake's bed. i grab my phone and walk downstairs as quietly as possible, knowing that everyone is almost definitely still sleeping.

i get to the couch and jake is sprawled across it, staring at a laptop. he doesn't even notice me walk out at first. he is still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, but there is faded red spots on his white shirt and.. his hair is no longer blue, it's red. i go and stand above him. he looks up at me. "oh! kylee!" he closes the macbook, seeming startled. "you scared the shit out of me" he tells me. i giggle. "am i crazy or is your hair a different color ? and have you slept like, at all ??" i ask. he responds "yeah, i dyed my hair after you went to bed. and no, i haven't slept. but why are you awake already ? it's only-" he checks the time on his phone. "oh shit! it's already almost 6:00. i didn't realize how tired i actually am until now. i thought it was still like 3 am." he looks up at me and i can't help but admire his tired, bright brown eyes. i tell him "well, i'm wide awake so, your room is all your's. i feel awful that you haven't slept. thank you so much for letting me sleep in your room by the way, uh, it was very comforting." he raises an eyebrow and responds, "i told you i was going to stay up all night anyways. i'm glad you were comfy." he smiles and his dimples shine through. my heart flutters and i smile back and thank him. he starts to head upstairs, i assume to get some rest.

i sit down where jake had just been sprawled out and grab some earbuds off the arm of the couch that had just been sitting there. i'm sure whoever owns these won't care if i use them. i take this as the perfect opportunity to check out the boys' youtube channels. i pop the white earbuds in my ears and open the youtube app on my phone, checking my subscription notifications. the dolan twins posted a video yesterday and i add it to my "watch later" videos. now, i go to search and i type "colby and sam" and press the magnifying glass button to search. a bunch of videos pop up as well as a channel called "sam and colby" with about one and a half million subscribers. first of all, oops i got the order of the names wrong.. whatever. also, 1.5 MILLION people is a lot of people.

i click on their latest video which is titled "(DOOR SLAMS) EXPLORING HAUNTED GHOST SCHOOL" extra much ? okay so, seems like they clickbait.. and all caps ? calm down. i laugh silently to myself and click on the video. i watch the whole thing, it's almost twenty minutes long, but i have to admit. it's pretty entertaining. but, sam and colby are not very good at staying quiet in the intense situation. i subscribe and press the bell for notifications. now, i decide to search "jake webber"

his channel pops up, revealing that he has about 200K subscribers. compared to 1.5M on sam and colby's channel ? um, under appreciated much ? i almost drool at his channel profile picture. wow. i click on the last video which is titled "I BOUGHT A DEMON IN A BOX ( DYBBUK BOX )" oh boy. we love a risky boy. i watch the video and even though i realize that he's an idiot and it's creepy, he definitely doesn't fail to make me laugh. i spend more time just watching a ton of the videos off his channel, including ones from a couple years ago where he was younger and had full brown, justin bieber hair. i'm not paying attention to my surroundings so i don't notice when jake is standing above my shoulder, looking at me watching one of his really old youtube videos. he pulls an earbud out of one of my ears gently and i pause the video, looking up at him. fUCK fuck fuck fuck he just witnessed me STALKING him and this video isn't even rECENT. it's already about 3:00 pm and i didn't even realize the time went by so fast. i can feel my face heating up, and i know i'm red as hell. he smirks at me. "can't stop looking at me huh ?" he teases and continues, "but why did you have to choose THAT video ? i was so young." i respond "uhhhhh, i was just supporting you and wanted to see what kind of content you make" i stick my tongue out at him, jokingly.

i stand up, getting ready to leave this awkward situation but then jake starts speaking again. "don't be embarrassed, i think it's cute that you wanna see me" he states confidently and winks at me then adds, "but don't forget to suscribe." i giggle at the way he says "subscribe," leaving the 'b' out. i look back down at my phone and tap the subscribe and notification bell next to his channel name, then close the youtube tab. i start to move my feet to make my way to the kitchen but i trip over his legs. i begin falling, but he catches me in the process and brings me to a standing position, not quite letting go of me yet. "GEEZ kylee, be careful!" he scolds me and then looks directly into my eyes. i realize that my arms are still around him, holding onto his broad shoulders. it seems like our faces are getting closer and closer, but maybe i'm imagining it. i snap out of the moment i'm having and probably literally shake my head. "o-oh t-thank you for c-catching me.." i tell him, feeling shaken out of a trance. he just nods his head, still staring at me.

i walk to the kitchen, trying to process what just happened. did we just almost kiss ? i met him yesterday. this can't be happening. but i think i want it to. i force myself to stop thinking about it and look in the fridge for some food. i grab a frying pan and some eggs and decide to make some eggs for whoever wants any. after they're done cooking, i put two eggs each on three different plates. jake walks into the kitchen and sniffs. "wow, that smells amazing. i'm starving." i turn around and gesture towards a plate and tell him "take one, i made extra." he grins and grabs a plate and a fork, eating the eggs and looking pleased. now, colby walks in.

"i smell brunch!" is the first thing he says. as i'm washing the pan i used, i point him towards one of the two plates left and tell him that he can take one. colby smiles and sits by jake to eat. they're making small talk and eventually, i put the pan back where i found it and sit across from jake, colby in the middle of us. colby is the first to speak after i sit down. "so, i was thinking that tomorrow could be our day that you guys join sam and i in an exploring video ?" he says enthusiastically. i grin and look at jake, who starts smiling when he sees me. "sure.." jake says. "what, are you scared ?" i tease him. he smirks at me and responds "no, i'm sure i'll be the one protecting you." jake winks at me when colby isn't looking. my heart is a big mess of emotions but i'm smiling. colby rolls his eyes jokingly. i wait for him to make some kind of joke about jake and i flirting but luckily, he doesn't this time. instead, colby starts talking about the place that we're going to explore. "it's an abandoned mental asylum and apparently it's extremely haunted!" he wiggles his fingers, trying to seem scary. "it's about a three hour drive from here and we plan on getting there by dark so that it's creepier." we all agree on the plan of what time to leave and the details. i am excited to be in a youtube video, but also nervous. hopefully people don't like, hate me.

after colby, jake, and i are finished eating and they both give me compliments on my breakfast making skills, we decide to have a horror movie marathon downstairs. i run around, shutting off all the lights and closing the blinds. jake screams "SAM, AARON, COME WATCH THE CONJURING WITH US!!" as i sit down next to him and my ears ring slightly from his yelling. "ow" i exclaim. corey and devyn are out at a restaurant and i think they're going to a party or something later so, they won't be home until late. we all get situated and watch all of the conjuring movies, as well as a few others, until it is about 11:00 pm. during the movie marathon, i would continuously hide in jake's shoulder at the jump scares:
1. to protect my eyes from the demons.
2. kind of on purpose to get closer to jake.
but he definitely didn't seem to mind. he giggled at me the whole night.

after we finish watching annabelle, colby shuts off the tv. sam and aaron had already gone back upstairs after the last movie ended. "alright guys, i'm gonna go to bed. we have a long night tomorrow. see you in the morning" colby says. we all say good night and jake and i stand up as colby walks back upstairs. jake speaks "you can crash in my room again if you want-" he seems to hesitate before continuing "-but do you mind if i sleep in there with you ? i-it's okay if you don't want me to but-" i stop him. "yeah, it's totally fine! you're sweet for even letting me sleep in an actual bed rather than a couch. we both have a long night tomorrow. might as well get some rest." i smile at him and he smiles back and just nods. we both head upstairs and i go into the bathroom to take a quick night shower, and change into some fuzzy pajama bottoms with polka dots on them and a yellow t-shirt that says "las vegas" in a cursive font.

i walk back into jake's room and he is sprawled out on top of his bed on his phone. he shuts off the light and awkwardly takes his shirt off, sliding under the covers and leaving room for me to lay down. i try not to stay frozen in one spot and stare at his shirtless body, but wow that sure is hard. i get under the covers next to him and cuddle into his shoulder since there isn't much room between us anyways. fuck it. i'm sure he won't mind. he rests his head on top of mine and we both drift off to sleep quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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