SO1EO1: Pilot

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Roslyn's POV

I walk downstairs after getting ready for school and make myself some tea. I didn't feel like coffee and didn't need it. Unlike my two cousins I'm a morning person. Just then mum and Elena enter the kitchen. "Toast. I can make toast" mum states.

"Toast sounds great" I tell her smiling.

"It's all about the coffee Aunt Jenna, Roslyn" Elena tells us and I roll my eyes as Jeremy enters the room.

"Is there coffee?" he asks and nicks Elena's cup. So she pours herself another cup. "So Rose, are you in Elena's history class this year?" he asks me.

"You know it, I love his troy and it's my best subject. But don't worry I'll be in all your other classes" I tell him.

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" mum asks holding out some money.

"I'm good" Elena tells her. While Jeremy and I take the money splitting it between us.

"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?" mum asks us.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" I ask her.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor Crap!" she says grabbing her keys and purse.

"Then go. We'll be fine" Elena tells her and she leaves. "You okay?" she asks Jeremy.

"Don't start" he says before leaving as I ate my toast.

"Is Bonnie driving?" I ask Elena.

"Yeah, need a lift?" she asks and I nod my head. We hear Bonnie beep and I grab my bag stuffing the last of my toast into my mouth. Elena locks the door behind us and we get into Bonnie's car.

"So Grams is telling me I'm psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that, I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it, and I'm like, put this woman in a home already! But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands" Bonnie rants.

"Elena! Back in the car" I say when I see her in lala land again.

"I did it again, didn't I? I--I'm sorry, guys" she tells us. "You were telling me that?" she asks Bonnie.

"That I'm psychic now" Bonnie states.

"Right. Okay, then predict something. About me" Elena tells her.

"I see..." Bonnie starts to see when a crow appears out of no where. Making her slam on the brakes and the car swerve slightly. "What was that?! Oh, my god! Elena, Roslyn, are you okay?" she asks us.

"It's okay" Elena tells her.

"We're fine" I add.

"It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere" Bonnie states.

"Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life" Elena assures her.

"I predict this year is going to be kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy" Bonnie tells her. Then continues driving us to school and I head straight to my first class, history.

"Can I help you?" Mr Tanner asks me.

"Yeah, I'm Roslyn Sommers" I say showing him my scheduled.

"Take a seat at the back and know if I believe you aren't meant for this class. I will tell the principle" he tells me. I nod my head and go sit down. Soon the others arrive, including a new student and class begins. "Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union" he explains as I take notes.

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