There Was a Terrible Crash (B x Reader)

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A/N: From a request, using the prompt:
"Please, you can't die. Please don't die."

He picks his head up off of the steering wheel that was now draped in a grey airbag. A persistent beeping noise surrounded him. There was powder floating in the air and he saw that the car was connected to a tree, the metal of the hood crumpled and mangled. He felt something warm dripping down his forehead and watched a drop fall, realizing it was his own blood as it landed in his lap.

Suddenly the sound around him became louder and his thoughts clearer.


He looks over and finds you leaning against the door with your eyes shut.

"Y/n," he tries with his voice failing a bit. He unclicks his seat belt and a pain in his arm scrapes at him, causing him to inhale sharply. He then continued to shift closer so he could reach out and touch you. "Y/n?" he called again, this time finding his voice as he leaned on the center console to touch your shoulder. "Y/n!"

You awoke groggily and roll your head in the direction of the familiar voice calling your name. Your vision cleared and you make out Brendon leaning over from the driver's seat. His face was painted with concern and a patch of dark red liquid. You suck in a couple of uneven breaths.

"Bre–" You whisper, your eyes wandering around in an attempt to figure out what was happening. Suddenly you're hit with a wall of pain.

"FUCK," you scream, clutching yourself around your middle.

"Baby what's wrong?" Brendon asks frantically.

It takes a moment before you can release your hold and look down, Brendon following your terrified gaze. It all becomes clear as blood seeps between your trembling fingers and a shard of glass clatters onto the floor. You're bleeding heavily from a deep gash on your stomach. You whimper as another wave of pain causes you to double over.

"Oh shit," Brendon murmured to himself, the gravity of the situation overwhelming him. He stops himself and flips a switch within himself to muster up some false optimism. "It's okay baby, you're okay," He said quickly with a fake smile, attempting to convince both you and himself.

Despite his own injuries, he had practically climbed onto the center console by this point. He covered your hand with his, placing it to the wound. "Press your hand over it just like that, baby," he nodded with feigned brightness. The pressure made you cry out and it broke Brendon's heart, but he knew it was for your own good.

"Bren," you strained as you looked to him with fear, tears rolling down your face.

"It's okay Y/n," He weakly smiled, trying his best to reassure you.

You can't stop the screams that periodically escaped your mouth. He glanced around, looking for one of your cell phones, but didn't see them anywhere. As if on cue, an outgoing dialing tone reverberated in the car. What the fuck is th–

"This is Lauren with OnStar," a professional and serious voice sounded in the car, "We've received an alert that you've been in an accident, is anyone injured?"

Brendon hesitated for a moment, trying to process what the voice was saying. It all came together and he felt like he couldn't speak fast enough.

"My wife is hurt, she's bleeding," he blurted, "Please we need help!" At this point, you're still crying softly in the background of the call and Brendon looks to you, holding your shoulder reassuringly. "It's okay," he whispers quickly.

"Okay sir, I have you location between Oak and Bay street," She listed, "Is that correct?" Brendon quickly looked around, a bit unsure. He recognizes his surroundings.

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