That one moment

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That next day we jump straight on what we had to do. My mom, Ms. Keisha and Raman were already back in Indy so all I had to do was break things off with Boca I don't particularly trust Boca so I'm bringing Ray Tammy Chres and Craig with me.

"Nervous?", Ray asked asked me as we drove to our destination.

"Nope I just really hope no body gets hurt!", I bit my finger nail.

"Stop doing that!", Tammy scolded. "It's gross".

"Sorry", I put my hand down.

"We here", Chres screamed like a maniac after slamming down on the breaks.

"We not letting him drive anymore", Craig said as we got out the car.

We walked up the entrance and already I began to feel weird. I gave the secret call then they opened the door letting us in.

"Old friends. Old friends", Boca chanted.

"Old friends?", we questioned his chanting.

"Are you guys really that dumb. Boca J? Dont you understand Boca J is JACOB backwards!", Jacob took off his disguise.

"You alive!?", Chres asked/cheered.

"Yea I was only shot in the arm. I had my vest on!", Jacob laughed evily.

"So the drug selling is real?", I questioned.

"Nah! Ofcourse its real! Those were real drugs you sold for me NiNi! Why are you here anyways?", Jacob questioned.

"Oh yea. Im not going to sell for you anymore", I told him.

"Oh really", Jacob clapped his hands.

Instantly we were all standing there with guns to our necks.

"Jacob just let us go. Me and you got along why you doing this to me?", I asked.

"Yea we are good friends but I dont like Craig over here. Since your friends with him you must go too", Jacob snapped.

Alright Jacob asked for it! I pulled my gun out swiftly and shot the guy in the head who was holding a gun to my head. It was war after that. 20 mores guys rushed in and it was on!

"Look who became a killer", Jacob yelled from behind his desk.

"I dont kill for fun Jacob", I said shooting two guys. "Only when I feel threatened".

"Dont we all", Jacob said.

"Less talky! Jacob call off your people!", Chres begged. "Or your going to be paying for alot of funerals".

"They are getting paid for this! I dont care for them", Jacob snarled.

"Fine then", Chres shrugged.

Gun fire was all I could hear when we all ran out into the battle zone.


Everywhere people where falling. My heart was pounding because I knew my life could be taken at anytime. I looked over and saw someone aiming at Yn. She didnt notice becuase she was to busy slitting someones throat so I took action.


"Craig!", Yn shrieked as she shoot the guy who shot me and some people behind him.

Everything was quiet I guess all Jacobs people were gone. I smirked to myself feeling somewhat at peace.

"Uhn uhn dont got to sleep on me Craig", Yn slapped me.

"We killed them all- Craig you alright?", Chres said waving a hand in my face.

"Im shot dude", I stated the obvious. "Help me up".

Ray and Chres pulled me up. My shoulder ached but I think ill survive it.

"Ahhhhhh", Jacob cried in agony.

We walked over to where he was and it looked like he was hit by a stray bullet in his stomach. "All I wanted was a sorry Craig", Jacob said with blood dripping out his mouth.

"Sorry Jacob", I kicked his wound.

"I saw that coming...alright now help me out of here", Jacob tried to get up.

"Nope. But I called the police for you. Hope they find you in time. You also better hope they dont find your drugs", Tammy smirked.

Jacob spat on her and we all took a step back.

"Atleast we got you help", Tammy yelled.

"Alright funs over lets go before the cops get here", Ray said.

I drove and Tammy tended to Craigs wound good thing we decided to switch cars and drive a RV for the fun off it.

"Ahhh", Craig screamed in the back.

"Here take the steering wheel. I gotta check up on Craig", I told Chres.

"Alright", he told the wheel.

I walked to the back and Craig was cringing on a bunk.

"Just let me get the bullet out!", Tammy whined.

"It hurts", he screamed.

"Hold my hand", I grabbed his hand.

"This was just like when you were giving birth", he laughed through the pain.

"Yep except for im holding your hand", I giggled.

"Its out", Tammy sighed in relief.

She wrapped his arm up and left the room to wash her hands.

"Thanks", Craig sat up.

"Your welcome", I said.

"Were at the airport! Whos ready to leave Hawaii", Chres laughed/yelled.


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