First day CANT BE "LATE"

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What's up people :3 how you doing today well here is the first part of my new story i hope u like it and plz comment or text me for some corrections


Bonnie's Pov*his first day on his job=waiter*

*alarm buzzes*

*i groans as i get woken up by my alarm*uh...?huh?...oh!!!*i clicks the button to stop the buzzing*My first day cant me late!!*i quickly grab my waiter clothes=vest,white long sleeve shirt and a red bowtie* Oh god oh god hurry!!!i can't be late!!!!


Ok well let me explain myself,ur probably confused well im bonnie the bunny but people just call me bonnie i recently got this new job as a waiter don't worry for all those fans i didn't quit my job at freddy's but i wanna go out and do something new!

I just wanna go around and explore for a bit but so far the only luck i have is a waiter. Gotta start somewhere right?

-----Back to normal-----

*i ran to my bar and open the door and realize im 1 hour early*ok im still good*i look at my mess,dirty bar*well..time to get to work*i grab a mop and broom and lots and lots of cleaning items*Eww so gross*I say annoyed*

-------30 mins later-----

Finally! Clean and still 30 minutes to spare!

*i went to sit down next to the pantry and got a text message from my boss*

---it reads---

Hello bonnie,im your boss my name...well that isn't important but ur job as a waiter is to serve people at ur very own bar and u get ur paycheck every week. It is around 50 or up oh and btw don't stay in there to long there might be people trying to sneak in or rob you so don't risk yourself. GOOD LUCK and remember serve with a smile😁

---------end of message---------

(Well that's part 1 😂😂sorry im lazy ill do part 2 Tomorrows

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