Chapter 2 : Home

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Hey, I'm back since I had people asking about a Chapter 2 I updated. I haven't determined if I will have a OC or not, so if you want to help the desicion comment Yea or Nay.( Mephisto Pheles from Blue Exorcist I don't own it) Anyways Onward with the story!    



Chapter 2 : Home

-Allen's POV-

        So for a while Crown Clown's been helping me around to find the Order again, because to tell the truth I'm really bad at directions..."Hey, where now Crown?" I asked as I ran West. "I believe that you need to go East then go straight and be at the cliff." he cleared for me. I sighed, 'I have to climb a cliff now? Great...' As I run further I see the cliff. My eyes widen at the height, "I HAVE TO CLIMB THAT?!" I scream. I hear Crown laugh and reassure me, "No, you learned before you left you don't have to climb again. As you did when you first came. There's a elevator on the right side by the shore-line.". I sigh in relief as I let that soak in. I start walking to the shore-line and see the elevator, Crown was talking about. I rush towards it and push the button. It makes a beep and opens. It is covered with rust, so I expect it is used often. I walk in and it creaks under my foot. "Is this safe?" I worry. "Ha ha! Has that ever stopped you? Just push the button!" Crown laughs.  I press the "Up" button and the door shut and the entire elevator rattles. I hold on to the railings to steady myself, wait but the railing is part of the elevator. I mentally 'face-palm' myself at that action. Suddenly the elevator shoots up the cliff and in mere seconds I am at the top of the cliff. "See? It got you up here didn't it?" Clown joked. "Y..Yeah. I think I'm gonna be sick." I say before I turn green and run to the side of the cliff and release whatever was in my stomach. I wipe my mouth and walk towards the door. It was weird, it had eyes and a mouth. "H-Hello?" I ask nervously. "ALLEN! IS THAT YOU?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I hear a high males voice. 'who-' my thoughts were cut off by Crown Clown. "That's Komui. The Branch Section Leader. Lenalee's brother. Beware he is very protective of his sister...". As he finished the door opened and I got glomped by the man I suspect to be Komui. "K-Komui?" I ask the man clinging to me. He suddenly gasps and squeals, "You remember me?! Does that mean you remembered everything?!". I suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed onto the ground. The last thing I heard was, "Quick! Let's get her to the infirmary!" yelled by Komui.

-Lenalee's POV-

        I rush down the hallway to the infirmary after hearing Allen came back and collapsed. I accidentally bumped into Lavi, resulting in falling down. I hear him say, "Oh, Lenalady sorry! Are you going to see Allen, too?", while helping me up. "Yeah! Sorry for bumping into you." I bow then grab his hand and run down the hall. I am so happy! Allen finally came back! I can't wait to see her. As we get there I see her sleeping and Komui sitting by her. He looks worried. I walk up to him, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Nii-san are you alright?" I said. He looked back up with saddened eyes and shook his head, "No, Allen doesn't remember anything. When she saw me she said my name but more as a question. Then she fainted." he looked down, "I'm so sorry." My eyes started to tear up and I was crying. Lavi put a comforting hand on my shoulder, "We will help her get her memory back, I promise.".

-Allen's POV-

        When I opened my eyes I saw a white room with a piano. I thought for a second, this looks familiar but, I can't tell why... Next to a pure white piano is what I think is Crown Clown. "Crown Clown?" I ask as I take in the white flowing cape, the sparkling silver mask, and finally the white fluff on the hood. The white figure nods and walks closer, "I brought you hear to help you remember or at least remind you of your life here." I nod as a response. "Thank you, Crown, for helping me in my time of need." I smile. "Okay let's get started. There's a girl with twin tails of deep green hair. She is Lenalee Lee. She is very caring and thinks of everyone at the Order as 'Family'. Next is a boy with red spiky hair with a bandana. He is Lavi. He is a comedian and I think he likes you.". At the comment I blush a deep red. "L-Like me?" I ask embarrassed. He nods and continues to describe everyone I should know. "Now, I believe it's time for you to wake up. Till next time." he waved as blackness overwhelmed me.


        As I wake up I see Lavi, Komui, and Lenalee surrounding me in a infirmary bed. "Allen!" Lenalee squeezed me. "P..Please don't, Lenalee-chan." I say as I turn green. She let go, I saw she had tears in her eyes. "Allen, do you remember?" she asked shakily. I shake my head, which made her tears fall faster. "Crown Clown told me everyone's name and what they looked like." I said. They had surprise on their faces. "Crown Clown? You mean your Innocence told you?" Lavi asked. "Yeah, Lavi. Once I remembered him, he started telling me who everyone I need to know is." I explained. "Did he tell you how I am?" Lavi asked with a smirk. "A boy with red spiky hair with a bandana. He is Lavi. He is a comedian and I think he likes you." I sigh as he blushed and laughs it off. I tried to sit up but I felt a heaviness in my head. Ignoring the feeling I got up and said, "So where do I go now?". Suddenly my legs felt hollow and I fell. "Allen-chan!" Lavi caught me. "I don't know what happened...Maybe because I ran for so long?" I was trying to figure out. He picked me up Piggy-back style. "I'll be your guide and helper until you get better." he smirked. I went pale and swung my head in defeat. He just laughed and walked to my room. "There might be dust because no one has used it since you left..." Lavi told me. I sat on my bed and said, "Why did you guys want me back even though I don't remember you?" a single tear goes down my face. Lavi notices and says, "Isn't it obvious?" he laughs, "It's because you're our family! We all love you! I love you!" he spatted. My eyes widen at the last part. He wipes away my tears and whispers, "I always loved you, Allen Walker...".


Ha ha! Cliff hanger, now let's see if you guys liked this one as much. :3 thank you for all reading, commenting, and following/adding this to your reading list! :3 You are all appreciated! Until next time!~

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