author's note

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UPDATED NOTE FROM 2020: hey everyone!! thank you for taking the time to view this story :) i started this book as my first ever 'real' wattpad story a good 2 years ago when i was 12 so i apologise because it's VERY cringe! please don't expect top tier work from this because i sucked at writing then, and still suck at it now!! lmaoo.

nonetheless, please still try to enjoy it, 12 year old me tried hard... not hard enough, but this story still has a good place in my heart.

OLD NOTE FROM 2018: disclaimer
sorry if i get facts wrong, im like not too knowledgeable in the subject tom holland also pls don't come at me for grammar, im 12 and really suck at spelling etc. also the characters will basically be texting and stuff so sometimes i purposely make them have bad grammar cause we ain't out here writing dictionaries when we text each other unless you actually do and that means my point makes no sense. ok ill stop talking.
eNJOY! <3

CAPTURED | TOM HOLLANDWhere stories live. Discover now