The Prologue: The 5 Rules of Time Traveling

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Time Traveling is a privilege, not a right. In fact, only a privileged few are even aware that time traveling is possible. Known simply as The Keepers, this small group of people boasts the best scientists, engineers, mathematicians, historians, culture preservationists, and warriors the world has never heard of. The leader of this band of unsung geniuses is Horatia (code name: Timekeeper). It was Horatia who discovered the formula that made time traveling possible, and it was Horatia who gathered together the greatest minds of the twenty-first century to make her theory a reality. Horatia was also the first to travel back in time, and by doing so, she discovered a need for rules regarding time traveling. Thus, the 5 Rules of Time Traveling were written:

The 5 Rules of Time Traveling

1 Do Not Alter Past Events

2 Do Not Let Your Presence Be Known

3 Adhere to Era-specific Decorum

4 Do Not Leave Anything Behind

5 Try Not to Die

Horatia decreed the first four of the five rules, which were self-explanatory. The fifth rule—Try Not to Die—was added as a joke by Horatia's protégé, Sybil Shaw. Ironically, as a warrior for The Keepers, Sybil (code name: Prophetess) was one of the candidates most likely to violate her own rule. However, after traveling for three years, the 21-year-old had been on more successful missions than the great Horatia, herself.

To date, Sybil has completed 99 missions. On September 14th, 2020, Sybil was tasked with her monumental 100th mission. She left the following day and was expected back the following Friday, September 18th.

Sybil Shaw has not been heard from since.

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