Laura's house

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I'm at Laura's house and we are just waiting for the other girls. It's so quiet. Laura breaks the awkward silences that's been going on for like 3 minutes

"So. I heard that you wanna be my future kids godmother" Duke is such a snitch. "Just so you know I would be happy if you would" Really? I really didnt mean that. So duke bought it. Ha. I'm good. "Well I was over thinking and it just popped in my head." Well at least that wasn't a lie. "So....who else is gonna be dancing besides us?" I ask her just to make this less awkward and have a conversation."Umm. Your sister and her friend rose-" Wait a minute. Her sister knows my sister. "Wait,Vanessa can dance?" I'm pretty shocked. I know she's sporty but I didn't think she could dance.. "Yeah. They met at the party and I think she's just inviting people so it won't just be us. Anyway some of their siblings or parents are gonna come just to make sure there aren't any injuries or drama." She explains. Then the door bell rings.

"Hey is Grace home? We're from her school and she invited us to practice the dance rehearsal for her party." One of the redheads say "No,not yet. She should be home by now but come in" Laura invites them in and I'm just on my phone playing games on "The Tonight Show Staring Jimmy Fallon" app. The blonde is just staring at me.

"Did you want something?" I asked her like 'so what's your deal' type of way. She doesn't answer and starts talking to the redhead on the left.then the door swings open.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late. I was picking up Vanessa and Rose and Rose's brother." Half yelled Grace. Wait. Rose has a brother. I really need to start talking to her more often. I just offer her to come in and have food. That's it. I look at my sister and rose come. Then comes Rose's brother. Aw shit. Why the fuck does Liam have to be here. It's just for girls. Well,he does act like a girl so...

"Hey Bailee. What are you doing here?" Ask Liam

"I should be asking you the same thing"

"Taking care of my sister Rose."

"I am a dancer and Vanessa is my sister."

"No way!" He acts like a girl you know. "I thought Vanessa was the only child. I guess that's what she said."

"Oh really." I turn to Vanessa." Well I am her older sister and I wouldn't blame her. I don't think anybody really notices me. I'm usually in my room everyday."

"So a dancer huh. Your a dancer along with your 13-15 year olds." He says

"Hey, Laura is gonna be dancing too"

"Okay everybody! We're gonna do tallest to smallest while we wait for everyone else." Grace and Laura's mom yells. Wtf. I'm fifth tallest. A 14 year old is taller than me. I see Liam laughing his ass over there. He sees me getting annoying.

"Fuck you" I mouthed while putting up the middle finger. That made him laugh even more.

We're pretty much none for the day and I have to drive Rose,Liam, back to their house and Vanessa and I back to ours. We arrive at his house and he has a 3 story house. Damn. He loaded. Haha. That sounded wrong. Rose and Vanessa get out the truck.

"Where you going?" I ask her

" I left my books and I lost my sweater here last week. And I kinda want them back"

"Kay. Don't take long. Mom said she and dad have to talk to us and they want us to have a family dinner. Which I doubt is gonna happen. Plus I rented a movie and its already due. So hurry up." I tell her and she leaves. But Liam isn't leaving.

"Uh. What are you waiting for. This is your house. Bye!" I say

"You know I would have thought you would want me to stay after I saw the video on Instagram."he says

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask him kinda worried. Instead he take out his phone and shows me a video of me saying "I like him" and it was posted by duke and tagged me and Liam. "THAT SON OF BITCH!!" I yell." HE MUST HAVE HAD RECORED OUR WHOLE CONVERSATION." I say normally but angry."Look Liam. They had asked me if I liked you or not and I said I like but not like that and that I met you just today. Duke must have cropped it. Why does he have to be such an ass?!" I was really mad at Duke. I know I have a thing for him but this just makes me rethink things. I just want to beat the crap out of him right now. Imagine how my friends will react. They might not remember this because they were so busy reading out text.

"It's okay. It's not like I believe this. You said you just met me and I just want you to fall in love with me slowly,then all at once." He says." Besides,I know you like fictional guys or celebrities type of guys."

I don't speak at all. If I do I might say things that I could get sent out of the country for.instead I honk the car. "Text me back" he says then leaves. Vanessa finally came out and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of my car and beat the crap,out of Duke.

"Hey slow down. Don't forget that I'm still here."Vanessa yells

I try to slow down but I can't." Hey. Plug in my phone. Click shuffle or pick a song. Make sure the volume is high though." I tell her and she does so. I calm down a little thanks to the music. We arrive home and my mom tells us that" Family Dinner" stars at 7. I thought family dinners start at 5 or 6 from tv shows. 45 minutes until 7. I know where Im going.

I arrive at dukes house in 10 minutes because I was speeding. I knock on his back door where his room is and no answer. I just open it because I know where the key is. He's not there. I just sit on his bed and wait for him to come up. 2 minutes later

"Shit! What the hell are you doing here?"


"Hey. Don't yell. The twins are sleeping"


"I thought it was funny. I'm sorry if I made you go hulk on me but Alexa and Callie are to blame too. We thought if we DIRECT MESSAGE this to Liam he would lead you on and wouldn't hurt you. But instead we uploaded the video for everyone to see it. It was on accident though. And the first person to like it was Liam. So we figured he would have already told you. I'm sorry."

"You know what. I thought you wouldn't treat me like a baby. Just because I'm 2 years younger doesn't mean you can try to metal in my friendships or possibly my relationships. You treat me like a baby because you buy me fuckin Happy Meals.For Christmas you bought me a sweater that said "I love my dog" I don't even have a dog. And now I might be stuck in the FriendZone. He probably thinks that your my father and I'm still a kid."

"I'm sorry. I'll take off the video. Please. I'll stop,treating you like baby,I swear. I'm just.....worried that I might be replaced. I'm your best guy friend. Today you canceled our lunch. I'm sorry. But if your gonna be hangin around Liam all the time then just go. I have actual friends. Not fake ones like you. At least I care about our friendship."

"SERIOUSLY,YOUR SAYING THAT IM FAKE AND THAT I WILL REPLACE YOU BECAUSE I HAD ONE LUNCH WITH THIS GUY THAT I JUST MET TODAY?! You are just..... I can tell you that I'm not fake. You just said something really stupid and silly and you just threw our friendship away. And you say I'm the baby." I say heading to the door.

"Well at least I am actually in a relationship. Your just a bum. Lazy,nerdy,I don't even think you had your period yet" he says

"Oh go fuck yourself. By the way I was on my period last week bitch!" I slam the door behind me and run straight to my car. I fuckin hate him! I can't believe I actually like him. I'm so pissed right now. Im speeding and I have the music blasted up. I can barely keep my eyes open from the tears lowing down my face. It's already dark and its raining. I can't really see and I'm just trying really hard to see my lane but a truck is headed to me. Like where I sit. Move retard but he can't.

"HOLT SHIT!!!" Was the last thing I said and the last thing I saw was blood and glass all over my hand before I blacked out.

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