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Bixslow stared at Lucy in shock. 'She could be talking about something else.' Bixslow thought. His red eyes stared at Lucy. She had fell asleep. "Bixslow" Laxus said. Bixslow put a fake smile on his face. "Heeeey! Whats up man!" Bixslow stuck out his tounge. You could see his Fairy Tail guild mark. Laxus glared at Bixslow. His grey eyes looking at Bixslow visor. His smile flattered, "Laxus?" Bixslow muttered. "You know somthing we don't," Laxus crossed his arms, glaring at his teammate. "Spill" Laxus sneered. The rest of his teammates looked at Bixslow. "L-Look! I was something Lucy said! She said Soul Seer." Bixslow said. Freed walked over to Bixslow placing his hand on Bixslow's shoulder. "Tell us what it means" Freed said. 


'No matter what Lucy, the Soul Seer is going to help you.' A voice rang out in Lucy mind. "Wait! Tell me! What do i have to do with the Soul Seer!" Lucy called out. She looked around, only to meet with darkness. 'The Soul Seer is going to help you when you need it the most.' The voice said. Lucy started to run around trying to find the person. 'A battle between you and someone very dear to you. It will either help the world or END IT!' The voice shouted. Lucy jolted up. Let out a scream. "Hey! Hey! Calm down! Its me Evergreen!" Evegreen called out. Lucy panted, the voice still ringing in her mind. "Shhhhh!" Evergreen tried to calm down. "Wana talk about it?" Evergeen ask, after waitng for lucy to calm down. Lucy nodded her head. "i...There was a voice" Lucy hesitated. She looked at her scard hands. "The voice.....it told me that the Soul Seer would help me fight someone very dear to me. It also told me that....that i would help the world...or...end it" Lucy whispered out the last part. Lucy felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, Lucy looked in to Evergreens hazel eyes. "Hey! Im sure that the Thunder God Tribe would help you out!" Evergreen hugged Lucy. Her whole body tensed up. It's been so long since Lucy has been hugged. 'I've forgotten what it's like to be hugged.' Lucy thought. Her arms wrapped around Evergreen. "Thank you" Lucy whispered. Warm tears slid down Lucy's face. Evergreens dress had dark green spots, were Lucy's face was. Lucy felt a hand on her back, moving it up and down her back. Evergreen whispered stuff in to Lucys ear. 


It has been almost a month since Lucy was kidnapped on a Job. Most of Fairy Tail has been trying to get back to normal. While some are still holding on to Lucy. It was like loosing Lisana all over again. Natsu went out on a mission. Normaly Happy would go along with Natsu ,but this time Natsu went alone. 

Natsu walked up to the borad Happy flying behind him. "Oh~ Why don't we go on this one Natsu?" Happy said holding out a flyer. "Actually...Happy....I wanted to go alone this time" Natsu said picking a diffrent mission. Happy felt his smile flatter a bit. "So just you and I?" Happy said. Natsu frowned. "No happy! Just me!" Natsu snapped. Some guild members looked over to the mission bord. Happy frowned and flew over to Carla and Lily. Natsu walked up to Mira. "Im going on this job" Natsu said. Mira nodded slightly. "With out Happy?" Mira ask. She was cleaning a beer glass. "Yes" Natsu walked out the Guild hall, ignoring the stares he got. 


Happy sat with Carla and Lily. He was munching on a fish sadly. "Natsu so mean." Happy said sadly. Lily looked at Happy. "He just needs some time alone Happy" Lily said. He went back to eating a kiwi. Carla huffed at Happy. "You don't need to be so mopey" Carla snapped at Happy. Happy didn't seemed to be very fased by her words. A sad aura surrounded Happy.  Carla eyes looked like they were unfocused. A vision. 


Gajeel sat in a chair on the corner of the room. Looking at the two bluenetts on the bed. "Lucy-nii...." Wendy whispered. She had tears streaming down her face. Her long blue hair was know frizzy and tangled. Wendy tighten her grip on Levy's hands. "She'll come back." Levy said. Her eyes were a dull brown, so were Wendys. They both had no hope in Lucy coming back. "Alright." Gajeels rough voice met their ears. "Get up" Gajeels ordered. He stood up from the chair and walked over to the sid eof the bed. Both girls held on to one another, ignoring to Gajeel. "You're making me do this the hard way" Gajeel said. His red eyes narrowed at the two of them. Gajeel grabbed Wendys skinny arm. Pulling her out of the bed. He put her in a chair. "Just sit there." Gajeel said. He had a green brush in his hand. Gajeel started to brush the young dragon slayers hair. He got out all the knots out in her hair. He put them in a pig tails. Gajeel held out cloths in front of Wendy. "I don't want to change you but i will if you don't " Gajeel threated. Wendy took the cloths and walked ot the bathroom. Each step she took, her legs shook. Gajeel pulled Levy out of the bed and did the same this he did to Wendy. Gajeel brushed her hair and gave her clothes to wear. He made the girls walk over to the dinner table. "Eat at least some of the food." Gajeel said. He watched Wendy pick up the spoon and eat some of the soup he made. "Im full" Levy said after one bite. "Eat five bites then you're done" Gajeel said to levy. Levy scowled at Gajeel. "No" Her eyes were firce. Gajeel let out a sigh. He was so close on giving up on them, but he knew bunny girl would be angry at him. "Eat 2 more bites" Gajeel offered. Levy took two more bites on the soup. Pushing the bowel away from her. She stood up shaking, "Why can't you leave us alone!" Levy snapped at Gajeel. Gajeel knew that if he snaps back he would make things worse. "I wound leave you alone cuz i knew Bunny Girl would get mad at me if i left you both alone!" Gajeel said. His hands were in a fist. Gajeel was getting angry at him self. Wendy stood up, the chair screeching aginst the floor. She ran in to gajeels arms. Wendy's warm tears falling on Gajeel's shirt. Black dark cirlces and snot was on his chest. Gajeel rubbed Wendy's back, Comforting her. Levy watched Gajeel comfort Wendy. She felt something warm go down her cheeks. Raching up to wipe it away, she saw it was tears. Levy was crying. She took a step forward launching herself in to Gajeels arms. Both the girls were crying in his arms. Soon they fell asleep from crying. Gajeel layed them in the bed. Wendy rolled in to Levys arms, Hugging her. Gajeel walked to the living room, pulling out an lacrima. A few seconds later Master Makarovs face popped up. "Gajeel! what is it that you need?" Makarov ask. His wrinkles on his face showed that he was worried. "Has anyone found any kind of sign about BunnyGirl?" Gajeel ask. His face was void of any emotion. Makarov shook his head. Lying to Gajeel. "No" Makarov hates lying to his children. "Levy and Wendy are worse! I'm trying to get them back to the way they were, but im failing. They need Lucy" Gajeel said. He looked behind to the the door that leads to Wendy and Levy. Makarov nodded. "I'll check on Laxus and his team to see if then found anything" Makarov said, knowing that they have found Lucy. Gajeel nodded. 


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