Chapter 3 - The Meeting

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Adrian and Ryan met at the evening of a cold winter day in January 2008 at the terrace of the building in which they lived as tenants. Whenever Adrian was upset, she would go to the terrace of the building and gaze at the starry night. Today there were no stars the sky was pitch black which upset her even more.

Although they didn't know each other at that first meeting, Ryan could see the sadness in Adrian's eyes and he could connect with her feeling of not being able to fit in with the "Mumbaikars" (locals of the city). Adrian was fairly new in Mumbai and had no friends till she met Ryan. When Adrian first met Ryan, she found him weird and over-friendly, but was yet attracted to him in a strange way. She didn't realize at that time where this short conversation would lead them to in their life.

She heard Ryan call out to her and say, "I love the dark nights when there is no moon nor any stars because I don't feel lonely in such nights. This dark night accompanies my loneliness and emptiness.  It reminds me of the void in which we all live longing for light, waiting for the sun to rise or for the moon to reappear. But I love this state of void looking at the endless dark sky."

This was the most ridiculous statement Adrian had ever heard from a stranger and yet she found solace in those words. Adrian turned to look at him and he smiled at her. She still doesn't remember whether it was that moment when she fell in love with her or was it much later. But there was a connection between them like no other connection she had ever felt for anyone else.

Ryan said to her that her beautiful eyes should not ever look so sad. If she needed a friend he could be there for her. Just like that they became friends.

No names were exchanged at that first meeting. It started and ended with Ryan's words and with the one second meeting of their eyes.

Ryan's mobile phone rang and he left.

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